March 1, 2023

Russian mobile calls

Write a Short argumentative essay based on the readings;Supantha Mukherjee and Alexander Marrow, “Russian mobile calls, internet seen deteriorating after Nokia, Ericsson leave,” Reuters, Dec. 21, […]
March 1, 2023

Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling

Write a Short argumentative essay based on the readings;Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld et al., “Business Retreats and Sanctions Are Crippling the Russian Economy,” Yale School of Management […]
March 1, 2023

The Economic Impact of Russia Sanctions

Write a Short argumentative essay based on the readings;Rebecca M. Nelson, “The Economic Impact of Russia Sanctions,” U.S. Congressional Research Service Report, Dec. 13, 2022,
March 1, 2023

How Not to Sanction

Write a Short argumentative essay based on the readings;Daniel W. Drezner, “How Not to Sanction,” International Affairs 98, no. 5 (Sept. 2022): 1533-1552. – Attached
March 1, 2023

What Are Economic Sanctions?

Write a Short argumentative essay based on the readings;Jonathan Masters, “What Are Economic Sanctions?” Council on Foreign Relations Backgrounder, Aug. 12, 2019, to an external […]
February 28, 2023

Capitalism in the United States

Why does capitalism work so well in the United States? On the contrary why does socialism work so well in China and Russia, even though up […]
February 25, 2023

Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts

How the Chinese Government Fabricates Social Media Posts for Strategic Distraction, Not Engaged Argument. +300 words, citation format is APA
February 25, 2023

Analysing a political theorists

Select one of the political theorists from your reading (Denhardt, Chapter 3) and briefly discuss how this theorist impacts public organizations today. You will have to […]
February 25, 2023

Why so few young Canadians vote in elections

Why do so few young Canadians vote in elections and is this a problem for democracy? Identify two solutions that would address this issue. you should […]
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