January 4, 2023

Cyclobenzaprine for back spasms

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023

Sumatriptan / triptans

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023

Kava or Valerian

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023

Secobarbital / barbituates

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023

Phenytoin / antiepileptics

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023


  Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged […]
January 4, 2023

Haloperidol / neuroleptics

  Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged […]
January 4, 2023

Phenelzine /MAOIs

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023

Amitriptylline /tricyclics

  Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged […]
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