January 6, 2023

Normal healthy body that help prevent the occurrence of UTIs

Describe three functions of a normal healthy body that help prevent the occurrence of UTIs  
January 6, 2023

STD caused by a bacterial infection

You are an Infection Control Practitioner (ICP) for your county’s Public Health clinic. You have been invited to speak to a group of registered nurses who […]
January 6, 2023

Hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmune disease

  Define and differentiate between hypersensitivity reactions and autoimmune disease. Gives an example of hypersensitivity reaction and an example of an autoimmune disease  
January 6, 2023

Classes of vaccines used in active immunity

    Discuss the five (5) different classes of vaccines used in active immunity.  
January 6, 2023

Active and passive types of immunity

  Differentiate between active and passive types of immunity. Which type of immunity is long lasting and which is short lasting?
January 6, 2023

Innate immunity and adaptive immunity

  Describe the difference between innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Which type of immunity is specific and typically longer lasting?    
January 6, 2023

Different portals of entry for a pathogen

  1. What are the different portals of entry for a pathogen to enter the body? 2. Define the following disease categories: 1. Endemic – 2. […]
January 4, 2023

Aspirin / NSAIDs

Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged situation. […]
January 4, 2023

Prednisone / steroids

  Note why the medication is used, and consider adverse effects. Invent a scenario where giving this medication could result in an ethical or legally charged […]
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