January 6, 2023

Character” and “intellect

Explain the difference between “character” and “intellect” with regard to morality as discussed in Robert Coles’ article, “The Disparity between Intellect and Character.
January 5, 2023

Steinbock’s argument in favor of speciesism

      Norcross believes Steinbock’s argument in favor of speciesism fails. Why does he reject her view? And on what grounds does he believe that […]
January 2, 2023

Thomas Reid philosophy component

  Thomas Reid: Looking at Thomas Reid, pick one component of his philosophy (common sense, conception, against representationalism, personal identity, etc.), and after providing your understanding […]
January 2, 2023

Use of dialectic in his reasoning

Hegel’s Dialectic: Consider Hegel’s use of dialectic in his reasoning. Pick one of his theories and discuss how dialectic was used to reach a specific conclusion. […]
January 2, 2023

Balance personal liberty and the desire to reduce crime

  Criminal Justice Policy: Criminal justice policies always balance personal liberty and the desire to reduce crime. Select and analyze an example of a criminal justice […]
December 24, 2022

Response to global poverty

What is the best response to global poverty?
December 23, 2022

Interpret the Implications of Unethical Behavior

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL), 36 states and four territories allow for the medical use of cannabis products. 18 states, two territories, […]
December 21, 2022

How is a good life achieved?

How is a good life achieved? Buddha believes we should start with the recognition that we are part of an interrelated universe. Lao Tzu takes the […]
December 21, 2022

What is it to be human?

What is it to be human? For Russell and Plato, to be human is to wonder and explore the intellectual possibilities of life. Later in our […]
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