December 11, 2022

How Feuerbach and Marx express optimism about the progress and future possibilities of human beings

Discuss the different ways in which Feuerbach and Marx express optimism about the progress and future possibilities of human beings. What views do they share about […]
December 11, 2022

Arendt’s description of the ideas of Plato as “invisible spiritual yardsticks”

Discuss Arendt’s description of the ideas of Plato as “invisible spiritual yardsticks” that support ethics and public authority. What role does Arendt assign to Plato’s “tales […]
December 10, 2022

Heidegger’s Philosophy of Mind

Provide a description of one aspect, issue, or argument within Heidegger’s philosophy of mind.For example, one of the key themes. Clearly and fully explain the position […]
December 8, 2022

Confucianism/Daoism, Shintoism

Two of the religions that we have studied in the second half of the class (Confucianism/Daoism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, or one of the […]
December 7, 2022

In what sense is Spinoza a democrat?

How is the power of Spinoza’s sovereign related to the power of the people?Is the first sort of power dependent on the second? If so, how? […]
December 7, 2022

In what sense is Spinoza a democrat?

How is the power of Spinoza’s sovereign related to the power of the people?Is the first sort of power dependent on the second? If so, how? […]
December 6, 2022

I Have A Dream

Video Link: Questions:● How does he connect the past (1863) with the present (1963)?● Explain these concepts of the “check,” the “promissory note” and “insufficient […]
December 6, 2022

How is God’s creating us

According to Baggini, how is God’s creating us for his purposes supposed to denigrate human life? Do you agree?
December 6, 2022

How is God’s creating us

According to Baggini, how is God’s creating us for his purposes supposed to denigrate human life? Do you agree?
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