April 4, 2021

Sandy Smiles Admin Report

  Within a correctional facility officers write reports about various incidents and inmates may be punished internally through hearings and can be criminally charged depending on […]
April 4, 2021

Business planning

  1) Based on Dr. Hornsby’s advice on business planning, name some of the ways you might go about developing a plan for the business you […]
April 4, 2021

Acts of kindness

  Design your own assignment in which you implement five acts of kindness (pro-social behavior). Use your discretion, common sense, and modesty at all times. Do […]
April 4, 2021

NUMMI Podcast Review

  The second extra credit option is to answer questions based on a podcast from the show “This American Life”. The podcast is about the GM […]
April 4, 2021

Industry History of kitchen and bathroom scales

  • Describe the actual industry in which the business will operate. You may need to broaden the industry such as using the “history of baking” […]
April 3, 2021

Supply Chain Integration

Research and write a literature review on the topic: Supply Chain Integration. Supply Chain Topic for the Literature Review Supply Chain Integration Textbooks readings: • Simchi-Levi, […]
April 3, 2021

Small businesses

Select a type of small business. Then, following the Operations Processes outlined in Chapter 21 (Input – Processes – Output), describe ways the business owner can […]
April 2, 2021

The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights

  The Use of Contracts to Protect Property Rights https://www.homeworkmarket.com/questions/the-use-of-contracts-to-protect-property-rights-19721867 “Read the summary of the Wrench LLC v. Taco Bell Corporation case in the “”Ethics: Implied-in-Fact Contract Prevents Unjust […]
April 2, 2021

The purpose of the amendment in 2008? 

1) What is the ADA? What was the purpose of the amendment in 2008? 2) What does the term disability mean (to you?) 3) What is […]
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