Sample Solution

Person A has the power of choice. He/she can choose to accept or decline Person B’s offer and explore other options, such as negotiating with the dealer for a higher trade-in price or selling the vehicle on their own.

Person B has the power of leverage due to his/her need of a car quickly; they are willing to pay more than market value in order to obtain it faster.

Time is important for both Person A and Person B because Person A needs to find a way to purchase the desired car before it is sold, and Person B needs a car for their daughter before she turns 16 next week.

Possible points of compromise would include: (1) Person A offering additional services such as detailing or maintenance in order to get closer to $2,000; (2) accepting payment from person B over time rather than one lump sum; (3) finding another buyer who offers an even better deal that both parties agree on; (4) splitting the difference between their offered prices at $1,850.

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