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I chose the topic of gender inequality as the social issue to discuss because it is an important and relevant issue in society today. Gender inequality, or unequal treatment of individuals based on their gender, has been a problem since ancient times. This issue is especially prominent in underdeveloped countries where many people lack basic human rights like access to healthcare and education. Even in more developed countries like the United States, there are still vast disparities between men and women’s wages, opportunities for career advancement, political representation, cultural expectations and more.

The sociological theory that best defines this topic is conflict theory because it highlights how power dynamics shape our understanding of gender relations. Conflict theory argues that society is composed of competing groups with different interests and resources. In this context, men historically have had far more economic power than women which has created a system where men are often privileged over women in terms of access to resources such as jobs or education opportunities. This creates tension between the groups which contributes to various forms of oppression such as wage gaps or domestic violence against women from their male partners who feel entitled due to traditional norms about masculinity giving them greater control within relationships.

The effects of gender inequality can be seen both at an individual level (women feeling limited by traditional expectations) but also on larger scale society wide issues like poverty rates among single mothers. Studies have also shown that when given equal opportunities compared to their male counterparts, women can outperform those same men leading some feminists argue that closing the gender gap would lead to greater overall economic growth benefiting everyone involved (Foster & Rosenblatt 2016).

In order to address this issue we need policies that promote equality between genders such as mandatory parental leave laws or anti-discrimination policies ensuring fair pay regardless of gender identity/expression. We should also encourage organizations taking steps towards creating equitable work environments for all employees by having diversity initiatives aimed at hiring diverse candidates for leadership positions and providing comprehensive sexual harassment training for employees across all levels within a company (Henderson 2019). Educational institutions should focus on teaching students about consent from young age so they understand what healthy boundaries look like before entering adulthood (Jill 2017). Finally ending systemic discrimination requires changing not only laws but also long held beliefs about what roles each person plays based on their biological sex – something which takes time but can be done through public campaigns encouraging people challenge these outdated stereotypes about perceived masculine/feminine traits being mutually exclusive (Rudman & Glick 2001).

My chosen social topic –gender inequality– exemplifies conflict theory perfectly while highlighting how important it is we strive towards achieving true equality between genders if we want our societies become successful ones moving forward into the future . It’s up us make sure we create an environment where everyone feels empowered regardless of their sex/gender identity – one way we can do this is by eradicating oppressive systems that limit individuals simply because they don’t fit into pre-existing “norms” defined by outdated traditions and customs without any consideration for progressivism values including fairness/equality among sexes when making decisions impacting entire populations at once


Foster K., & Rosenblatt Z.,E.,(2016). The Impact Of Gender Equality On Economic Growth And Development In Developing Countries,. International Review Of Economics Education ,18 (1), 11–22.. Retrieved From Https://Doi:10 Org / 10 16 / J Iree_2016_01_003

Henderson M.(2019). What Is A Diversity Initiative? Retrieved From https://www . hrdive . com / news / what -is-a-diversityinitiative / 556793/

Jill L.,(2017 ). Teaching Children About Consent At A Young Age Is Vital To Their Development [Blog Post].Retrieved From Https://Everyday feminism . Com / 2017 / 06 09/teachingchildrenaboutconsent/

Rudman L.,A.,& Glick P,.(2001) Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes And Backlash Toward Agentic Women,. Journal Of Social Issues ,57(4 ), 743–762..Retrieved From Http://Wwwjstororg//Stable 10 4163jsi 57040743

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