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In his book The Culture and Change Management Reader, author Stephen J. Levi emphasizes the importance of an organization’s culture being compatible with that of its teams (Levi, 2017). According to Levi, a team’s culture should be congruent with that of their organization in order for the team to be successful. This is because if there is a disconnect between the two cultures, it can impede progress and reduce morale among employees (Levi, 2017).

The organizational culture provides a foundation for the company’s core values and beliefs, while also providing guidance as to how members should interact with each other (Levi, 2017). If this shared set of beliefs is not present among all members of a team or organization—including both values and behavior—it can cause confusion and conflict between those involved. Furthermore, since different individuals will have varying interpretations of established rules and standards based upon their unique backgrounds or experiences; incompatibilities may arise which could lead to misunderstandings about expectations within the workplace (Levi ,2017).

Teamwork plays a critical role in any organization’s success from creating new products or services, developing innovative ideas to solve problems more efficiently or effectively working together toward achieving common goals (Ceniza & Eder-Gopar , 2018 ). If an organization’s culture does not support teamwork due to conflicting values then this could prove detrimental for both individual teams as well as for the overall effectiveness of the whole firm. For example if one department’s approach does not match up with another division’s then vital information needed by colleagues might remain siloed away leading to potential delays in project completion times( Ceniza & Eder-Gopar , 2018 ). Additionally research has shown that when there are differences between cultures within organizations it often creates tension between workers resulting in decreased job satisfaction levels (Dibrell et al., 2015) .

Therefore if an organization’s culture has difficulty supporting teamwork what should teams do? Firstly they need to recognize any discrepancies between their team’s culture and that at play within their own division or department so they can address them accordingly. Then each member needs to see themselves as part of larger system rather than just individuals operating independently; this would help foster collaboration across departments wherein various perspectives are considered during problem solving processes instead viewing situations only from singular positions( Dibrell et al., 2015) . Moreover leaders should ensure everyone understands why certain decisions were made so workers feel like they have ownership over projects thereby increasing motivation levels. Finally organizations need embrace change by encouraging risk taking amongst its staff ; doing so encourages creative problem solving approaches which helps improve productivity on overall operational efficiency levels( Ceniza & Eder-Gopar , 2018 ) .

Ceniza Chua M., &Eder-Gopar A.(2018). Leadership competencies beyond knowledge: A review on creativity innovation communication collaboration.International Journal Of Advancements In Research & Technology 5(7), 272-277 Retrieved From Https://www.Researchgate Net/Publication/328888624_Leadership_Competencies_Beyond_Knowledge_A Review On Creativity Innovation Communication Collaboration

Dibrell C.. Pruaz S.. Ellis B.. Mcwilliam G.(2015).”Team Effectiveness: Organizational Culture And Leadership Practices”, Cross Cultural Management 22(2), 239– 255 doi : 10 3748 / ccm 1144149215591779 Retrieved from https://doi org/10 3748 / ccm 1144 1492 1559 1779

Levi S,.J.(2017.) The Culture And Change Management Reader New York NY : Routledge

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