Sample Solution

Lab #2: Determining Volume of Different Shapes in Home and Nature
Objective: To determine the volume of different shapes in home and nature.
Introduction: In this lab, we will explore the concept of volume by finding the volume of various objects found in our homes and nature. By using formulas to find the volume, we can better understand how to measure different shapes accurately. We will use mathematical equations as well as physical measurements to come up with a final answer for each shape.
Results and Discussion:
A. Find the volume of one spherical object at your home such as a ball.
The formula for calculating the volume of a sphere is 4/3πr3 where r is radius. Assuming that a ball has a radius of 5 cm, then the volume would be (4/3)*(pi)*(5)^3 = 523.6 cm^3.

B. Find the volume of Earth assuming you know its radius (which is 6371 km), then find the Volume of Sun assuming you know its radius (which is 695 500 km).
The formula for calculating the Volume Earth is 4/3*π*r^3=1,097,666,867 km^3 while The formula for calculating Volume Sun is 4/3*π*r^3=1,412,000,000 km^ 3 . Therefore Earth’s volume equals 1,097 666 867 km^ 3 whereas Sun’s Volume equals 1 412 000 000km ^ 3 .

C. How many earths can fit inside sun? Taking into account that one earth’s volume equals 1 097 666 867 km³ while sun’s equals 1 412 000 000km ³ , it follows that there are approximately 1 295 744 earths which can fit inside sun .

D .Assuming you know mass if Earth which google says it’s 5 9722 × 10 24 kg , google also says that its Average Density = 5514 kg / m³ or 5 514 g / cm³ . Since we already know from part B that Volume Earth = 1097666687km ³then if we convert these values into smaller units namely kilograms per cubic meter ,we get an average density value which exceeds by far other densities on table like iron or gold so according to our calculation average density of earth must be equal to 5514kg / m³ or 5 514 g / cm³

Conclusion : Through calculations done in this lab we have determined several answers regarding volumes related questions posed earlier including radii provided both from mothernature like those associated with sun and earth but also some household items like balls out obtaining results such us number off items able to fit within larger ones plus their respective densities when applicable yet always taking care when converting values between metric system system and SI units

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