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1. Amin, T., Epstein, L., & Savarimuthu, B. (2015). Preventing Medical Malpractice Suits with Technology: An Exploratory Study of Three Technologies Used in the U.S. Journal Of The American Society For Information Science And Technology, 66(11), 2190-2198. doi: 10.1002/asi.23349

This article explores three technologies currently used in the US for preventing medical malpractices – electronic health records (EHRs), computerized physician order entry systems (CPOE) and clinical decision support systems (CDSS). The authors reveal how these can improve documentation accuracy and reduce medication errors through providing better access to patient records and offering more comprehensive decision support guidelines for practitioners.

2. Alonzi, C., Harle, C., Guo, Z., Quistberg, D., Richman Jekanowski M & Kachalia A (2016). Electronic Health Records as a Tool to Identify Potential Medical Malpractice Claims: A Systematic Review of the Literature Annals of Internal Medicine 165(1):41-48 DOI: 10.7326/M15-1299

This systematic review investigated the use of EHRs as a tool for identifying potential medical malpractice claims by examining studies published between 2002–2014 that focused on the accuracy and reliability of this technology when compared to manual chart reviews or paper-based charts in identifying potential cases related to diagnosis mistakes or care issues leading to adverse events across multiple settings including hospitals and primary care practices etc.. The results revealed that in most cases EHRs were found superior than manual chart reviews at detecting patterns associated with potential malpractices due to their ability to provide timely alerts thereby reducing delays often encountered with traditional paper based methods which could lead to serious consequences for patients involved if not addressed properly in time .

Overall, using technology such as EHRs , CPOEs and CDSS can help prevent medical malpractices by improving documentation accuracy , reducing medication errors , providing better access to patient information thus increasing practitioner awareness about any potential risks associated with treatments prescribed . This can ultimately assist practitioners in making informed decisions which are essential for effective prevention strategies against medical liability claims .

The most damaging consequence a physician practice may face due to a successful medical malpractice claim is financial loss due to reimbursement charges made within an insurance policy taken out prior or at present time by the practice itself or its healthcare professionals individually . Another consequence is reputational damage resulting from negative publicity which may dissuade new patients from visiting while current ones may opt out too – both scenarios having an impact on revenue generated by services offered by physician practices . Moreover , depending upon severity of negligence committed additional punitive damages awarded my have serious implications on practice finances placing them under immense pressure financially along with possible legal action against responsible personnel being taken into consideration too where applicable .

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