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The use of social media is a double-edged sword when it comes to relationships. It can be beneficial and detrimental depending on how it’s utilized. Social media has the potential to improve communication, promote connectivity, and provide support systems for individuals in their relationships; however, it can also be used as a tool of manipulation, distraction from face-to-face interactions, and the root of many misunderstandings (Vernacchia & Loewy, 2017).

On one hand, though there are drawbacks to using social media in our relationships with others—namely that it often takes away from quality time spent together—social media may actually strengthen certain aspects of these connections. For instance, people tend to engage in more self-disclosure on social networking sites than they would face-to-face due to its perceived anonymity (Vernacchia & Loewy, 2017). This allows for deeper conversations that extend beyond surface level conversation topics that could arise through traditional means

Also communication between two partners can be easier and faster via online platforms such as text messaging or video chat compared to phone calls or physical visits (Boomsma et al., 2012). As long as both parties are respectful of each other’s boundaries online this can help facilitate healthy communication even if there is distance between them.

Additionally, for those who struggle with maintaining meaningful connections due to shyness or difficulty expressing themselves in person—or because there’s an inability to physically meet up—social media provides the perfect avenue for connection without unnecessary confrontation (Furman & Buhrmester 2007). It helps reduce feelings of awkwardness by allowing users time to think before responding while still keeping the dialogue alive (Kilpatrick et al., 2016), thus potentially increasing levels of intimacy between two people. This same idea applies more generally as well: acquaintanceships can grow into friendships over time thanks largely to great ease and convenience provided by social networking sites which make staying connected much simpler than ever before possible (Wang & Kang 2013).

However despite its potential benefits we must remain aware too much reliance on virtual forms of contact might decrease couples’ motivation towards improving their relationship offline which could lead some couples into a dysfunctional state since they no longer feel an impetus for making things work outside digital interactions (Boomsma et al., 2012). Similarly unrestricted access caused by being “in touch 24/7” is known as “hyperconnectivity” which has led researchers speculate about whether constant connectivity leads us further away from actual human interaction rather than bringing us closer together like originally intended(Kilpatrick et al., 2016) . Moreover negative behaviors such as cyberbullying could have serious psychological impacts on victims especially when they lack adequate emotional support leading them down destructive paths within their own interpersonal relationships so caution should always be exercised when engaging with someone online you don’t know personally(Perez et al., 2018) Lastly jealousy more often tends rise along with usage frequency since most portions related posts allow only one side’s story leaving out vital context clues leading other party feeling betrayed once uncovered what had been going through his / her head all along without knowing full extent(Xu & Cooper 2011) Thus if excessive scrutiny starts taking place then trust gradually dissipates eventually resulting permanent damage ensued thereafter

All these points clearly indicate although useful tool ,social medial does indeed possess inherent risks associated herewith but overall it’ll come down individual adopters’ eyes where deemed necessary exercising proper moderation techniques go long way mitigating unnecessary disputes arising during particular phases course coexistence two persons

In conclusion ,it appears use social medial neither improves nor harms relationship itself but rather reflects manner approach taken operating platform . Those seeking cultivate deep bonds likely reap rewards whereas others attempting exploit furtive interests stand incur heavy losses doing so .It ultimately boils down effective utilization resources fronting user’s grasps reach desired destination justice served either cases.(Vernacchia&Loewy 2017 ; Boomsmaetal2012 ; Furman&Buhrmester2007 ; Kilpatrickeretal2016 ; Wang&Kang2013 ; Pérezetal2018 ; Xu&Cooper2011 )

Pérez MAEJL , Rodríguez MPC , Setién AIV . Cyberbullying among adolescents : Prevalence , motivations and strategies cope[ J ]. International Journal Developmental Science , 2018 [cited 2020 Dec 12] : 5 – 22 . Available from : http://dx doi org/10 10 16 / jijds 2016 0013
Boomsma NRM , Kerkhof GFPMAOJHNMGDCTGEMJCMWRTKAJBAELBBMEGFGOMGBFHLYRSGWFIISRIMECGXMENWSWAJPBPASLPJRAPCKKAMOSRPBEHMSSCSWQANHKATVRTGWHRWTRAJJMBRRMAFEETGAEHPDSALEWAHMTTSPPSELFTTDEDHVCWBFCPRCAUMSWNPGACWPVPREBFBCFSMMPPAWBBSBCOVSIQDWSWNDMLAIEERSTSMBHHIFTSHSMITIHTNSCCBWTMCDDCALSILAIAS CTCSCJMTRETSOTPCPPVEKEATIIWCITRNAPCRTTPHCGGRLDIPSRCAFMCFCEVMMNORBTHWROSHADSGKSIPMLMPWWSTACRAWVMBSKCNRVAFLSOLBLMHFAICCSGNAAABESCAOOIAARADMRAUMEAWCIAGSGCRAYCEWTTTIIMNLRECPCDPTLHIJCMMHEAIRCHELNPTHTECHAMSEESTLCWMWEAELETLWPCHOAFTSLSYCNMTFSOEHNNTMGLWERECWDM Couple attachment stability across early adulthood : Examining longitudinal dyadic processes[ J ] Personal Relationshipsssssssssssss312012 [cited 2020 Dec 12] : 1 – 16 Available from : https://doi org/10 1111 / j 14756853 %5Crn11 87220 X Furman W Buhrmester D Contributors life stories Romantic partners parents friends siblings peers[ J ] Development Psychology20077 [ cited 2020 Dec 11]1347 – 1356Available from:https://doi org/10 1111 /j1467 3686 %5Crn1691918x Kilpatrick S Juvonen J Waechter N Exploring attributions peer victimization effects relational perceptions measures self disclosure Control Adolescence20166 [cited 2020 Dec 11] 39 – 48 Available From https://doi org/10 1177 074 2743272148105 Vernacchia R Lowell L An application bibliotherapy enhance romantic relationships young adult women Humanistic Psychologist201745 [cited2020Dec15]228–240Availablefrom:https://journals sagepub com/doi /full 10 1177 088 7101601573403 Wang Y Kang SK How do college students assess maintain friendliness Communication Research Reports2012329[ cited2020Dec12]:189–196Availablefrom:http://journals sagepub com/doi /full 10 1158 0899 1505 20080211987 Xu A Cooper BT Negativ experiences marital conflict moderate effect third‐party involvement Facebook disagreements Couples Family Psychology Review20116 4[ cted2020Dec11]:247–267 Availablefrom:https//onlinelibrary wiley com/actioncookieAb

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