Provide supporting evidence from the texts (below) to support your responses to these questions. Use complete sentences in your responses.
What is the issue Twain is satirizing?
What techniques does Twain use to create his satire?
What is the issue McCullough is satirizing?
What techniques does McCullough use to create his satire?
How effectively do the techniques used communicate Twain’s position?
How effectively do the techniques used communicate McCullough’s position?
How are the messages communicated by Twain and McCullough similar?
Which message could you relate to more? Explain why in a minimum of three sentences.
Use the guided analysis exercises within the lesson as a model for this part of the assignment.
Locate an example of satire. Copy and paste it here, making sure to note the source where you found it in a proper citation.
(Possible sources include television shows, humor magazines, the op/ed section of the newspaper, movies, comic strips, songs, and internet memes.)
What human institution or human weakness is satirized in this piece?
Identify and explain the types of humor devices used to create the satire.
How effectively do the techniques used communicate the creator’s position?
Evaluate the overall effectiveness of the satire. Explain your reasoning in a minimum of three sentences.
Re-read each speech for your analysis.
Twain’s speech “Advice to Youth”
McCullough’s speech “You’re not special”
Sample Solution