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Plea bargains are agreements between prosecutors and defendants that allow the defendant to plead guilty to a lesser crime in exchange for a lighter sentence. There are three basic types of plea bargains: (1) charge bargaining, when the prosecutor reduces the number or seriousness of charges; (2) sentence bargaining, where the prosecutor agrees to recommend a reduced sentence; and (3) count bargaining, where the prosecutor agrees to drop some counts or combine them into one.

Prosecutors take various factors into account when deciding whether or not to accept a plea bargain and what kind of bargain should be made. These include assessing the strength of their case, potential sentencing guidelines for each offense, how much time it will take for trial preparation and courtroom proceedings, risk associated with going to trial, costs associated with extended litigation such as witnesses’ fees, availability of evidence such as witnesses’ testimony or confessions from defendant etc., possibility that jury might acquit accused despite overwhelming evidence against him/her etc.

The interests served by plea bargaining involve both criminal justice system efficiency and fairness considerations. From an efficiency standpoint, plea negotiations save significant amounts of time spent on preparing cases for trials and court appearances. In addition it cuts down on court costs which can often add up due to extended hearings or additional personnel hired specifically because cases have gone forward instead of being resolved through negotiation prior to trial date being set. As far as fairness is concerned by offering defendants an option they likely wouldn’t otherwise have available they may be able avoid more serious consequences if convicted after trial than would otherwise occur if found guilty following adjudication process itself . Finally it allows victims closure knowing that perpetrator has been brought justice without having prolonging process even further by going through entire course judicial proceedings . On other hand however one potential downside is fact opportunity exist accused could receive lesser punishment than deserved due state’s limited resources deal with all criminal charges filed against them thus creating sense unfairness those same victims who had already seen injustice done at hands perpetrator originally charged with crime in first place . In terms saving money criminal justice system there ‘s also risk exists innocent individuals may feel pressured plead guilty ensure quick resolution even though innocence not established beyond reasonable doubt since doing so still lessens chance their name dragged through legal system any longer than necessary while avoiding probability conviction potentially harsher sentences arise result thereof

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