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The National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) identifies seven types of elder abuse, including physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, sexual abuse, financial exploitation, neglect or abandonment, healthcare fraud and misappropriation of assets.

Physical Abuse: Physical elder abuse involves non-accidental acts that result in physical pain or injury to an elderly adult. Examples may include hitting, shoving, pushing or kicking.
Psychological/Emotional Abuse: Psychological/emotional elder abuse is defined as the infliction of mental anguish through verbal harassment and threats and other forms of intimidation which can lead to isolation and withdrawal from social contact. It may also include ignoring the needs of an elderly person who is dependent upon another for caregiving. This form of abuse is often difficult to detect because unlike physical elder abuse there are no visible signs that it has taken place.

Sexual Abuse: Sexual elder abuse includes any non-consensual sexual contact with an elderly person ranging from unwanted touching to rape. Financial Exploitation: Financial exploitation can involve the misuse or theft of money or property belonging to an elderly person without their consent or knowledge. Neglect/Abandonment: Neglect/abandonment occurs when a caregiver fails to provide adequate food, shelter or medical care for an elderly adult who relies upon them for support. Healthcare Fraud & Misappropriation Of Assets: Healthcare fraud involves billing Medicare or Medicaid programs for services not provided while misappropriation involves using assets belonging to an elderly individual without their permission such as bank accounts, credit cards and other personal property like jewelry.

When considering ethical dilemmas surrounding euthanasia, suicide and assisted suicide there are several considerations that must be taken into account which pertain both to the ethical implications but also practical issues related to patient safety and autonomy regarding decisions about life ending treatments if permitted by law where applicable . Ethical considerations include weighing the right of self-determination—where decision making authority is given back over ones own life—and preservation against fundamental values such as mercy , justice , beneficence , respect for autonomy , dignity , truth telling , avoidance harm principle etc., while recognizing under certain circumstances individuals could perceived this as a last resort option . Practical concerns involve determining if a patient meets specific eligibility criteria based on mental capacity although due typically vary depending on jurisdiction . For example some states have strict guidelines about diagnosis requiring two certifying physicians in order for assisted suicide requests be granted whereas others have less formal regulations allowing prior physician letters only when requesting death certificate changes from natural causes . In addition documentation personal preferences should be obtained through Advance Directives especially important when family members disagree about treatment options . Lastly legal requirements must always met including ensuring proper informed consent procedures so patients understand what they agreeing too ahead time e..g explaining available alternatives prior proceeding with end life interventions involving medically administered drugs /agents etc., specially since most states do not allow use lethal injection techniques Laws often mandate counseling sessions with independent third parties before final authorization granted Ultimately its essential safeguards considered prevent inappropriate cases occurring particularly those involving coercion outside pressure imposed by family members friends etc., ultimately though these types situations need judged contextually considering all relevant facts at hand each situation unique so should treated independently

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