Sample Solution

Write a case report summarizing your analysis and results.

In this analysis, three variables were identified from the income statements of the chosen bank over the last five years that may be interesting for further research to gain knowledge about its customers. The three categories used in this assessment were sales or revenue, net interest income and non-interest income. These variables provided insight into customer spending habits and areas of improvement for the bank.

To better visualize this data, a frequency table was created using Microsoft Excel as well as bar chart and pie chart visualizations. The frequency table displays quantitative data by presenting it in rows and columns with each row representing a different variable or category from the bank’s income statement (sales or revenue, net interest income and non-interest income). This allows for an easier comparison between the different categories over time. On the other hand, both charts provide insights on qualitative information regarding customer behavior while allowing us to compare they year-over-year performance at a glance.

The bar chart provides visual representation of data changes over time while providing comparative measurements across each year’s performance in each respective category; meanwhile, pie charts give us qualitative information such as percentages among all these categories combined together during any given point in time throughout those 5 years period.

Overall we can conclude that analyzing existing financial statements is important when trying to identify trends related to customers’ behaviors which can guide future decisions within organizations like banks striving for continued success finding ways improve their services offered to clients and increase their business profits overall; thereby having multiple benefits for all parties involved: Improved service quality resulting greater satisfaction among clients whilst increasing profits due attainable goals fulfilled through better decision making processes .

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