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ranshumanism is a philosophical and cultural movement that seeks to use science and technology to fundamentally improve the human condition in terms of physical capability, intelligence, longevity, and other aspects. Transhumanists advocate for using technology such as robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance human capabilities beyond their current state in order to reach a higher level of functioning. This includes the use of biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technologies, cybernetics, cognitive sciences, neuroscience and cognitive enhancement strategies to create “post-humans” with improved physical capacities or mental faculties.

One form of cutting edge technology from Bostrom’s FAQ is nanotechnology – the manipulation of matter at an atomic or molecular scale. Nanomaterials are engineered at the nanoscale (1–100 nm), which gives them unique properties that make them useful in various applications such as energy storage devices, displays and sensors. A good example of a real-life application involving nanotechnology comes from Harvard Medical School scientists who developed cancer treatments using nanoparticles called exosomes. Exosomes are tiny vesicles manufactured by cells that can carry molecules such as drugs into specific cancer cells while leaving healthy tissue untouched (Vu et al., 2019). In this way they can be used as targeted delivery vehicles for drugs used in chemotherapy treatments without causing many side effects associated with traditional chemotherapy drugs.

Nanotechnologies such as these could appeal to transhumanists because they bring us closer to overcoming some physiological limitations imposed by our natural bodies like illness or injury by providing solutions with fewer risks and side effects than traditional methods. Furthermore it allows us access to a more efficient method of treatment since therapies based on nanotechnologies can take days instead weeks or months according lack results so far achieved through lab experiments involving animal models (Vu et al., 2019).

One ethical issue that could arise from widespread use of nanoparticle technologies is potential environmental contamination via toxins released into air or water after disposal or leakage from materials containing these particles during production processes (Lacerda & Pereira Coutinho 2020). Nano-particles have been found in consumer products including clothing fabrics food packaging cosmetics sunscreen lotions creams etc which can cause health problems if inhaled ingested through foods touched directly onto skin etc due environmental contamination caused when those materials break down over time under certain conditions like sun exposure rain acidity alkalinity etc (Lacerda & Pereira Coutinho 2020). Therefore it is important for governments regulations industry organizations public institutions etc monitor development processes related with nano-particles ensuring safety standards are met taking all necessary precautions against pollution threats posed once those materials enter the environment posing potential risks not only humans but also animals wildlife habitats water resources soils vegetation climate change ecosystems etc…
As quoted by Torresen “Technological innovation has always had ethical implications” (2020) meaning any new technological advancement should be approached critically while taking into consideration its impact on society culture environment politics economy ethics legal implications privacy issues human rights etc… However transhumanism may lead people down unethical paths since part its idea involves changing how humans think feel behave live exist sometimes even disregarding consequences actions might take place due lack understanding achievements reached until today either materialistic spiritual values alike end up sacrificing environmental interests profit oriented projects instead aiming long term sustainable solutions overall wellbeing humanity planet earth shared together no matter what shape form it might come . Following this path Bostrom states “It goes without saying that profound changes in our nature would alter our moral lives”(2019) thus any major changes brought about transhumanist agendas should taken seriously proper education dissemination raise awareness respect life common welfare not only humankind entire living organic non organic system we part whenever possible seek ways protect maintain balance among all elements keep coexisting within same

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