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One thing I wish I had known earlier in my career about assessment and evaluation is the importance of having an effective data-driven decision making process. Over the years, a number of studies have shown that data-driven decision making can significantly improve student learning outcomes (Lipsey & Kilburn, 2017; Pohlman et al., 2018). Effective data-driven decision making requires administrators, teachers, and families to be involved in assessing curricula and instruction. It is important for these stakeholders to understand how their input impacts student achievement so that they are motivated to participate in the process.

In order to engage administrators, teachers, and families on issues related to assessing curricula and instruction, I use several strategies. First, I promote open dialogue with all stakeholders about the purpose for collecting data and the implications it has for enhancing teaching practices. This allows everyone involved to better understand why curriculum assessments are needed as well as how they will be used to inform decisions about instructional methods or other interventions that may need to take place so students succeed academically (Grizzle et al., 2020).

Second, whenever possible I try to involve stakeholders in developing systems of evaluation within the school setting by allowing them access into our conversations around best practices when it comes assessing curricula or instruction (Luna et al., 2016). Doing so provides a sense of ownership over those processes which ultimately helps keep everyone accountable regarding implementation plans once decisions have been made based on evidence collected from assessments or evaluations. Furthermore, if barriers arise during implementation due resource limitations or staff availability then engaging stakeholders early allows them greater opportunities for problem solving together before any challenges become insurmountable (Torres et al., 2019).

Thirdly, I often invite family members into trainings on assessment literacy among teacher teams so they can more easily partake in conversations surrounding evaluation processes being implemented at school sites (Tollefson & Zmuda ,2016). Involving parents sends a strong message of support from school personnel towards families which acknowledges their role within this system while simultaneously ensuring shared understanding between home and school perspectives when it comes understanding what type of information should be collected through assessments as well as how that evidence will be utilized moving forward (Shulman & Kane 2006). Ensuring there is mutual understanding between home and school encourages collaboration which leads back into creating an environment where all parties feel comfortable participating within our data-driven decision making process.

Finally ,I always provide follow up with stakeholders after any sort of assessment activity has taken place by sharing results from surveys/tests/observations conducted as part of our collective efforts towards improvement planning for students who demonstrate low academic performance or other areas requiring additional attention such as behavior management initiatives . Having knowledge about what worked well during particular activities along with where improvements could have been made lets us plan better interventions going forward but also shows individuals invested in this work that we value their input even after initial meetings occur thus helping build trust among all parties involved(Morris & Smith 2007; Serna 2014 ).

Overall these strategies allow me create meaningful partnerships between administrators teachers families when it comes addressing matters related assessing curricula instruction By actively involving these groups throughout entire cycle promoting dialogue training development addressing feedback etc people charged improving educational experiences able gain greater insight into impactful changes being made building collective sense ownership accountability each step way Moreover keeping ever present goal fostering collaboration front mind approach encourages relationship building providing opportunity better serve needs both students adults alikeReferences Grizzle E Johnson M Lavery L et al 2020 Best Practices Data Driven Decision Making A Guidebook For Districts And Schools Alexandria VA ASCD Luna J Batten J Brantlinger E 2016 Critical Issues In Special Education New York NY Routledge Morris D Smith T 2007 “DataUse Culture Building A Model Of Shared Responsibility For Student Learning” Journal Of Research On Leadership Education 2 1 2 – 33 Pohlman R Scott M Knezek G 2018 “The Impact Of Data Driven Decision Making On Student Achievement” International Journal Of Instruction 11 3 265 – 282 Shulman LK Kane MJ 2006 “Teaching Assessment Literacy To Teachers Assessing Teacher Knowledge And Beliefs About Classroom Assessment” Studies In Educational Evaluation 32 4 175 – 97 Serna L 2014 Leveraging Schools Partnerships With Families Creating Conditions Success Washington DC National Association Secondary School Principals Tollefson N Zmuda A 2016 Developing Assessment Capacities School Improvement Through Performance Based Professional Development New York NY Springer Torres CA Rojo MG Esteban MC 2019 The Role Of Stakeholder Engagement In Evidence Based Practice Implementation International Electronic Journal Educational Sciences 21 3 63 – 75

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