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New Economic Labor Theory
The new economic labor theory, also known as the neoclassical migration theory, argues that people migrate in response to labor market signals. This theory states that individuals migrate if the wages for a particular job are higher in one region than another and if the cost of living is lower due to more abundant housing options and cheaper commodities. It assumes that people are rational actors who are motivated by economic gain and will move to maximize their income potential. This theory fails to take into account psychological factors such as feelings of alienation or racism which may lead individuals from one region to another despite differences in wages. Additionally, this approach often overlooks cultural norms related to family ties and community obligations which may influence an individual’s decision whether or not they should migrate.

World System Theory
World system theory posits that major powers dominate weaker ones via political, economic and military means through global trade networks. This leads poorer countries with less advanced economies being tied into a dependent position with wealthier nations at the top benefitting from cheaper resources produced by those at the bottom. In terms of immigration, this can be seen as leading to a form of ‘brain drain’ where skilled workers from developing countries seek better paid jobs abroad while their home country continues on its path of underdevelopment due to lack of knowledge transfer or repatriation money earned abroad by these same immigrants going back home instead staying within the nation’s economy.. The problem with this approach is its failure to account for agency; it does not consider how immigrants actively shape global markets in numerous ways even though they may start out in subordinate positions within them (Kerkvliet 2008).

Segmented Labor Market Theory
The segmented labor market theory suggests that particular ethnic groups occupy certain segments or categories within a larger labor force according to their physical characteristics or cultural backgrounds rather than simply competing against other workers equally based on skill level alone (Portes & Bach 1985). In terms of Mexican immigrants, this would mean they were relegated into certain types of work like farm labor which was generally poorly paid yet had few opportunities for advancement beyond it. Critics point out how this type de-humanizes Mexicans by offering them little chance outside these occupations thereby denying them any kind of social mobility within American society (Castles 1994). Furthermore, some argue it paints too simplistic a picture since many Hispanic communities have been able to find success despite these challenges showing there’s more complexity involved when considering human capital vs just race/ethnicity alone (De la Garza et al 1992).

Political Economy Theory
Political economy theory looks at overarching structural conditions such as globalization and international relations when attempting explain why people immigrate from one place over another (Rouse 1988). For example, it seeks explore why U.S.-Mexican migration has grown so much recently even during times heightened tensions between both governments while also looking at underlying forces like economics driving large numbers southward including poverty levels amongst countries belonging NAFTA agreement signed 2014 etc… While useful providing context surrounding migratory patterns throughout history without paying attention detail everyday lived experiences individual migrants might encounter then broader picture presented here becomes less effective actually understanding what occurring ground level amongst immigrant populations once arrive destination nation state itself could potentially discounting important personal motivations behind decisions made leave homeland search better life elsewhere (Hagan 2004).

Cumulative Causation Theory
Finally cumulative causation theory examines interconnected nature various causes produce effect analyzing complex web interrelationships connecting disparate elements together ultimately drives process being studied such case Us-Mexican immigration here takes aspect feedback loops whereby changes dynamics affecting either side equation cause shifts opposite direction shape phenomenon overall finding evidence support idea population flows tend be cyclical rather linear depending upon conditions both sending receiving locations influencing flow movement over time period examined making argument easier understand rise fall events tied directly influences good bad policy choices outcomes connected domino effects occurring far removed original source stimuli linked entire chain reaction series ever changing circumstances eventually guiding paths those wishing enter new area live work long term basis conclusion drawn ultimately difficult foresee exactly what happen future without further detailed research past given current constraints however possibility exists trends currently exist continue replicate themselves future until something disrupts cycle reverses pattern set course toward development dissolution whatever comes along way could end up being decide factor whether goes well badly predict outcome accurately now merely best guess person making prediction until all relevant data available accuracy can improved considerably only then real concrete answers emerge answer questions asked researchers seeking uncover truth about situation question hand putting aside speculation based gut feeling intuition unfortunately cannot used form solid hypothesis rely upon anything else truly valid conclusions drawn subject matter itself furthermore believe although comprehensive view taken regarding five theories discussed each has its own strengths weaknesses succeeding greater success rate than others reasoning stated above hope shed light several issues arising topic discussed provide reader insight into possible solutions problems our present day world faces thanks advance taking look article feel free comment thoughts opinions below thank reading!

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