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Answer 1: Theoretical knowledge in organisational behaviour can be effectively practiced at the workplace when employees are actively engaged and willing to adopt new behaviours and practices. Organisational leaders must ensure that all employees understand the importance of applying theories to their work and how it relates to achieving organisational goals. This can be done through regular training, seminars, and workshops which explain the relevance of OB theories in a practical context. Additionally, providing opportunities for employee feedback on their experience with a theory will help them better apply it in practice.

Answer 2: If I were a manager, I would strive to create an environment where individualistic employees can still contribute to team success while also preserving their own preferences and style. To do this, I would first discuss each employee’s strengths as well as areas they could improve upon in order to better collaborate with others within the team. Next, I would look for ways to modify task assignments so that each person’s skillset is leveraged as much as possible while still focusing on collective outcomes. Finally, implementing group activities such as brainstorming sessions or social events may help promote more harmonic relationships amongst coworkers who may not naturally gravitate towards one another otherwise.

Answer 3: Yes, organisation culture can definitely be changed over time depending on various factors such as leadership approach or changes in external environment. For example if an organisation is dealing with financial losses due to market conditions then management might decide to transform its corporate culture by encouraging open communication between departments and introducing cross-functional collaboration initiatives so that everyone works together towards finding solutions for cost reductions or efficiencies gains which ultimately helps promote teamwork orientation across the organization instead of its customary competitive environment .

Answer 4: It is indeed possible to use digitalisation technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) or machine learning algorithms (ML) at the workplace in order reduce stress levels among employees since these tools have been found useful for automating mundane tasks like data entry or customer support which minimizes human labor burden significantly thereby enabling individuals focus on more meaningful projects instead constantly worrying about meeting deadlines due long working hours related stressors

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