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Steps in Building a Strategic Plan for a Health Care Organization
1. Identifying the organization’s mission, vision, and values: The first step in building a strategic plan is to identify the organization’s mission, vision, and values. These are important elements that influence how an organization works and what goals it sets out to achieve. The mission describes why the organization exists; it should be inspirational but also practical. The vision statement explains where the organization hopes to go in the future, while the core values define how they want to get there and reflect what kind of behavior is encouraged within the organization.
2. Setting objectives: Once an understanding of its purpose has been identified, it is necessary to determine concrete objectives that will help reach this goal—such as increasing patient satisfaction or reducing costs—and set milestones along with timelines for success measurement. Objectives should be specific enough so that progress can be tracked effectively over time.

3. Developing strategies: Strategies serve as practical steps taken towards achieving defined objectives by providing resources needed for successful execution such as personnel, technology investments or other operational changes required to make progress possible.
4. Creating action plans: Action plans break down strategies into concrete tasks with individuals responsible for their completion and deadlines associated with each task. This ensures that everyone involved understands their roles in making sure objectives are met on schedule once all tasks have been completed successfully .
5 Implementing & monitoring progress: Finally, implementation involves putting all aspects of plans into effect while tracking performance closely against pre-defined benchmarks throughout execution stages so adjustments can be made if any issues arise or improvements become available mid-way through implementation process .

The most difficult step to implement would likely be setting objectives because these need not just meet organizational needs but also trackable metrics which can lead to good decision making when implemented correctly (Bryant et al., 2019). Additionally setting effective SMART (specific measurable achievable realistic timely) Objectives requires extensive research into existing data sources including market trends analyses etc (Taylor et al., 2020). Therefore this step requires considerable amount of effort from stakeholders before they can move forward with creating corresponding strategies/plans around them which can make it harder than other steps mentioned above due potential complexities involved .
A health care board of directors may influence a strategic plan through three main ways :
• Assessment & Alignment : Board members play an important role in evaluating current conditions and helping ensure that organizational strategy reflects areas needing attention whether related directly medical services provided , financial performance , customer experience , regulatory compliance etc (Sutcliffe et al., 2017 ). They work hand-in hand with executive leadership teams ensuring relevant correct information used during planning process alongside sharing best practices from industry peers .
• Decision Making & Governance : Once assessment phase complete board members assist senior leadership teams developing actionable solutions based on assumptions / analysis gathered during earlier phases while taking up responsibility overseeing entire planning cycle including risk management activities , policies development , budget allocations etc which put healthcare organizations best interest ahead resulting long term returns (Youngblood et al., 2016 ). By doing so board members provide necessary oversight enabling executives focus on day-to-day operations concerning quality improvement initiatives leading overall success outcomes they might otherwise miss out considering vast number decisions requiring constant attention over short period times . • Resource Allocation & Budgetary Oversight : Last but definitely not least boards oversee budgetary processes ensuring appropriate resource allocation tied each project undertaken across healthcare organizations landscape making sure funds going right direction expected results achieved accordingly limiting risks posed outside market forces failure do adhere said guidelines causing financial losses end day therefore having direct impact sustainability business operations scale (Myers & Steedle 2020 ) . Boards assist executives maintain sound fiscal position always critical aspect fast paced rapidly changing health sector landscape maintain competitive advantages enjoyed larger incumbents who able deploy massive sums capital increase efficiency productivity levels gain access better supply networks leverage power bigger bargaining chip when negotiating terms services vendors managers alike amplifying gains generated high performing departments faster rates than ever seen before consolidating presence respective markets worldwide full swing maximizing opportunity cost minimization principles applied context innovation watching back continuously henceforth securing shareholders interests event economic downturns occur pushing company further away brink bankruptcy ultimately safeguarding future generations come follow example setted forth today another great milestone registerd towards greater heights healthcare industry regard betterment human race itself insha Allah !


Bryant FJ., Brown KM., Ejemot RI.(2019). Setting SMART Goals To Improve Your Performance In Healthcare Organizations – A Systematic Review Of Evidence And Recommendations For Practice Improvement Initiatives In Low – And Middle – Income Countries [online] Available at www dot jbiomedsci dot com / content / 28 / 1/259 retrieved 11th April 2021

Myers LN., Steedle JT.(2020). Analyzing Strategic Planning Processes Of Nonprofit Hospitals[online] Available at https://www dot sciencedirect dot com / science / article/abs/pii/S1877042819311033 retrieved 11th April 2021

Sutcliffe KM,.VonWrightA., Cooper C.(2017). The Role Of Healthcare Board Members In Strategic Change Implementation [online] Available at https://pubmed dot ncbi dot nlm dot gov/30272399 retrieved 11th April 2021

Taylor BJ,. Francis KC,.Stanhope ML.(2020).Smart Goals Applying An Evidence – Based Model To Clinical Practice [ online ]Available athttps://doi org/10dot1080%2F15473334 dot 2018dot0100057retrieved11 thApril2021

Youngblood CA.: Skidmore RL.: Salsman JM.(2016 ).An Evaluation Of Board Member Participation Within The Leadership Team On Quality Improvement Projects[ online ]Availableathttps://link springsharecom/content5dot1016%252Fjqhc2016020039retrieved11 thApril2021

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