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Alternative and complementary medicine (ACM) is a broad term for treatments that are not regarded as part of conventional medicine. Examples include massage, acupuncture, homeopathy, herbalism, and many others. It is estimated that 42% of American adults used some form of ACM in 2012. However, there is much debate surrounding the safety and effectiveness of these treatments.

The scientific evidence regarding the efficacy of alternative and complementary medicines to treat specific illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension varies significantly. Clinical trials have shown promising results for some forms of CAM treatment on certain types of cancer; however, because these studies often lack robust methodology or data-driven results they do not provide conclusive evidence to support their use without further research or validation from other sources. For instance, studies into the potential benefits of acupuncture for treating diabetes have found conflicting results with some showing positive outcomes while others suggest there may be no benefit at all. Similarly for hypertension many clinical trials have suggested that certain herbs might help reduce blood pressure but again the quality and reliability vary significantly from trial to trial making it difficult to draw any strong conclusions about efficacy.

As with any medical treatment both allopathic (conventional) care and holistic approaches should be taken seriously when considering which option would best suit an individual’s needs in terms of health goals as well as personal preference. Allopathic medicine tends to focus more on acute physical symptoms than underlying causes so if someone wishes to pursue a more natural approach then exploring options within ACM can certainly be beneficial provided that it is done under the supervision/guidance of a qualified healthcare professional ensuring optimal safety protocols are observed throughout treatment/therapy sessions etc.. Adopting an allopathic approach requires a high level trust in one’s healthcare provider(s) allowing them access into your lifestyle choices so that they can address underlying issues related to physical wellbeing from multiple angles whereas holistic options require more self-discipline which could prove challenging if discipline isn’t present already in one’s life! This said however I believe both approaches should always remain open minded towards each other – this way patients receive comprehensive care addressing both physical & mental aspects without prejudice or bias against either type thus enabling informed decisions when choosing between them depending upon personal preferences & comfort levels too!

In conclusion while there is potential benefit associated with using ACM treatments it is important to note that due diligence must be undertaken by individuals prior to engaging in such therapies alongside consulting their medical practitioner where possible ensure maximum safety throughout their healing journey – regardless whether opting for allopathic or holistic pathways! Ultimately everyone’s path must ultimately lead back towards better overall health which can only really begin once trust has been established between patient & practitioner leading up until desired outcomes being achieved through harmonized cooperation between both sides!

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