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Criminal justice practitioners play a critical role in the development and implementation of technology in the criminal justice system. They are responsible for identifying, evaluating and selecting new technologies that can be used to improve the efficiency of law enforcement, investigation, prosecution and adjudication processes. They must assess how existing legal frameworks and ethical considerations should be applied when introducing new technologies into criminal justice systems. Additionally, practitioners are typically involved in refining policies related to the use of technology within their agencies or jurisdictions.

When considering an expansion in the use of DNA evidence in criminal justice proceedings, policymakers may encounter several controversial issues. One major issue is privacy concerns related to collecting individuals’ DNA samples without consent or due process protections such as search warrants or court orders. Another concern relates to potential accuracy issues associated with using DNA evidence including misinterpretation of results or false positives due to contamination during sample collection or storage. Additionally, there could be potential racial biases given that certain populations are disproportionately represented within DNA databases which could lead to biased outcomes should these databases be relied upon heavily by prosecutors. Finally, cost considerations also need to be weighed when deciding whether an expanded use of this type of technology is feasible for a particular jurisdiction given its limited resources

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