1. The reliance of the U.S. on foreign oil and the increase in oil prices has led many politicians to push for oil drilling in controversial regions such as the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and deep offshore locations. Discuss the difficulties and potential environmental impacts associated with drilling in both these areas. Do you think oil extraction from these areas is worthwhile or necessary? (see the Oil Spills section in Montgomery, pp. 334-339). Also look at internet resources on the 2010 Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and recent developments in the status of drilling in ANWR.
2. What is the environmental irony of wind power presented by Martin Pasqualetti in the article “Wind Power”? What do you think of wind power? Would you want it in your back-yard? How do you think people’s perception of what is aesthetically acceptable will have to change to accommodate alternative energy resources, such as wind power?