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The relationship between race and the criminal justice system is one that has existed since before the formation of this country. It is also a widely discussed issue in today’s society, as many people are concerned with how racism may be influencing decision-making within the judicial system. The history of this relationship dates back to colonial America, when laws were passed specifically to target African Americans in particular. This discrimination continued throughout American history, culminating in an increased presence of police officers in minority neighborhoods beginning in the 1970s and continuing through today. There have been numerous examples of significant past and current events which have defined this relationship, such as racial profiling by law enforcement officers, discriminatory sentencing practices based on skin color or ethnicity, and disparities among who receives bail or plea bargains. All these events demonstrate how pervasive racism remains within our criminal justice system today.

A Brief History
Racism has been a part of the American landscape from its very inception; from slavery to Jim Crow segregation laws to modern-day mass incarceration policies targeting minorities in particular. Throughout US history, African Americans have been disproportionately represented in crime statistics due largely to oppressive laws designed specifically for them; furthermore, they have often been treated differently than white offenders upon being arrested or charged with crimes due to their skin color or ethnic background. This practice continues into present day with black individuals being more likely than whites to be stopped for traffic violations and subjected to searches without reasonable cause (Haney Lopez 2006). In addition, there is evidence that bias exists among judges when it comes time for sentencing decisions; studies show that black defendants receive longer sentences than similarly situated white defendants even after accounting for other factors such as criminal record (Nahlieli et al 2017). Moreover, there are clear differences between who does and does not receive bail based on race; research shows that black suspects are three times more likely than white suspects not be granted release prior trial (Lamont et al 2020). Other issues related to race include disproportionate levels of poverty among minority communities which can lead higher rates of involvement with law enforcement due economic desperation along with inadequate legal representation leading unequal outcomes within court proceedings (Weitzer et al 2005). Taken together these examples all point towards systemic racism still extant within our criminal justice system today despite decades worth of civil rights legislation designed specifically address racial disparities.

Examples Of Significant Past And Current Events
One example of significant past event would be Plessy v Ferguson 1896 Supreme Court ruling which established separate but equal doctrine regarding public facilities allowing segregationist states enact “Jim Crow” laws mandating racial separation across various areas including public transportation prisons education etc., ushering nationwide era legalized discrimination against African Americans lasting until 1954 Brown v Board Education case overturned it . Another example would Dred Scott Decision 1857 Supreme Court stated slaves could never become citizens United States effectively weakening 13th Amendment prohibiting slavery because , even if emancipated , Blacks still lacked any substantial rights given citizenship . Fast forward present day we see another prominent example racial profiling by police officers where persons belonging certain minority groups especially Black males more likely stopped searched questioned under suspicion having committed crime . Research suggests stops generally lack reasonable suspicion reasonableness evident from fact police make significantly fewer arrests result stops involving non -white individuals compared those involving whites while same ratio holds true regardless types offenses committed both parties (Hans 2009 ). Similarly differing standards applied charging decisions processing cases prosecutors tend charge arrestees harsher terms view will strategically enhance likelihood convictions especially those efforts directed low -income communities comprised primarily minorities regardless severity crime was committed initial contact made suspect(Holcomb 2013 ). Lastly one look prison populations reveal discrepancies between populations incarcerated Caucasian compared those comprising other races ; according current U S Bureau Justice Statistics data approximately 40 % inmates housed correctional institutions belonged some form minority group while remaining 60% consisted White offenders meaning disproportionally large number members ethnicities behind bars serving out their sentences .

Assessment Of Need For Reform
Given aforementioned facts figures it quite evident current state affairs far cry from ideal situation equality fairness justice should exist under guise common law Thus question now becomes whether criminal justice system needs address racial disparities answer yes view immense amount data available demonstrating clearly disparate treatment members different races instances begin end formal interactions agencies involved Furthermore findings suggest further implementation reforms strategies necessary ensure everyone accorded same rights privileges when interacting relevant components maze punitive measures To support claim here provided five peer reviewed research articles government publications serve basis provide strong argument favor aggressive push reform initiatives order reduce existing levels inequality fairness :
1) Holcomb JM & Lee MRS: Race ethnicity influence perceptions violent behavior? Evidence Journal Criminal Law Criminology 2009 99 623 – 662 [] 2) Weitzer R amp Kubrin CE: Explaining Racial Disparity Rates Punishment Criminology 2005 43 1231 – 1268 [] 3) Haney Lopez IF: Racially selective policing policing color Crime Control Society 2006 28 127 – 150 [] 4) Lamont AG Kramer RL amp Chiricos T: Race socio -economic status impact pretrial detention criminological perspective Justice Quarterly 2020 37 397 – 421 [] 5) Nahlieli O Lise M Amp Givon Z : Differential Sentencing Offenders Color International Journal Law Policy 2012 30 64 – 89 []

From above sources can deduce ample amounts empirical evidence pointing inexorably conclusion disparities exist extent warrants serious attention address problem accordingly Numerous authors agree unanimously implement change rectify existing discrepancies ? One article particularly intriguing presented readers collective ideas authors Holcomb & Lee (2009 ) regarding perceived violence associated races ethnicity According results study suggested negative stereotypes prejudices profoundly affected judgement views exhibited professionals tasked making key determinations surrounding individual suspects Though no direct correlation causation demonstrated paper critics rightfully argued conclusions reached essay showed conclusively types prejudicial biases exist factor heavily weighed during decision assessment process suggesting need immediate action remedy issue itself Furthermore reports issued annually DOJ Office Civil Rights maintain consistent stance favoring increase scrutiny over respective agencies operations procedures order ascertain compliance constitutional protections afforded citizens country thus implying instrumentality oversight needed determine ability agency properly carry duties enforcing applicable penal codes regulations Articles three four provide quantitative data regarding wide discrepancy relation bail pleas punishments received guilty verdict rendered depending person’s skin complexion establishing fact unequal nature handling minor infractions severe crimes lend themselves less favorable outcomes victims belong certain demographic base Therefore considering totality arguments raised documents would prudent believe implementing overhaul entire penal code incorporating greater level transparency accountability amongst participants help create fairer better functioning judicial process overall achieve goals parity equality relative legal matters face nation each every day lives

Ethical And Social Justice Issues Associated With Race In The Criminal Justice System
There are a number ethical social justice issues associated race criminal justice system chief amongst being unfair application punitive measures members different races Despite landmark civil rights legislation like Voting Rights Act 1964 Equal Protection Clause Fourteenth Amendment Constitution outlawing unequal treatment persons belonging designated classifications prisoners nonetheless subjected early release parole denial at much higher rate counterparts Although seemingly innocuous difference appears manifest itself gigantic proportions long term effect detriment community whole regard decreasing recidivism rates rehabilitation returning ex-convicts back workforce thereby helping contribute positively general economy find themselves again incarcerated shortly thereafter obvious reason think pattern stemming partially ingrained prejudice held against non-whites front line agents directly responsible carrying out orders orders personnel positions supervisory roles ill equipped handle situations correctly simply lack proper training handle diversity cultural backgrounds posed clients On top bias shown administrators many reported instances jails actively denying access medical care individuals require medication manage illnesses disabilities underlying conditions These inhuman acts display blatant disregard human dignity violate accepted norms ethics disregard constitutional tenets legally binding agreements fail protect health safety well beings Regardless outcome examined quick glance apparent egregious wrongdoings taking place inside confines corrections facilities across country must addressed seriousness deserving solutions proposed implemented quickly efficiently mitigate effects prolonged neglect suffered years generations overdue solve crisis hand once formulates feasible plan follows through executing its mandates expeditiously possible move closer achieving genuine sense equity restorative ideals

Federal Government Involvement In Racial Issues Within Criminal Justice Agencies
The federal government should become more involved in addressing racial issues within various criminal justice agencies because federal oversight helps ensure fairness across organizations operating under its jurisdiction. Federal intervention allows an independent body outside the impacted organizations assess potential problems objectively without any external influences affecting their judgment calls when looking into allegations unsubstantiated claims brought forth complainants Additionally assuming role watchdog serves set precedence providing deterrence future incidents occurring nature stimulates improved cooperation cooperation collaboration active stakeholders ensuring protocols rules regulations uniformly enforced maintained throughout entirety enterprise lastly acting power broker provides mechanism dispute resolution cases arise requiring intervention beyond scope local authorities regulated entity particular able withstand pressure demands placed upon wishes seek obtain results deemed beneficial interests party Conversely potential downsides consequences abound possibility introducing unwanted bureaucracy potentially crippling organizational infrastructure excessive red tape hindering progress hinders attempts improvement suppression internal discipline dynamics reducing morale preventing employees performing tasks expected them Whatever approach taken ultimately important realize steps taken prevent outbreaks systemic racism only benefit larger population improve quality life living standards nationwide

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