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I believe I could be most effective with the Opportunist inmate personality type. An Opportunist is an individual in prison who uses his situation to his advantage, often taking risks and manipulating the environment around him to get what he wants. They are very adept at exploiting weaknesses in correctional staff or inmates in order to gain favors from them. This inmate personality type is often well-connected within the prison population, which can be beneficial for a correctional officer as they can help facilitate conflict resolution and provide useful information about potential issues that might arise. Additionally, because of their openness and willingness to engage with others, these inmates may also offer insight into matters such as gang activity or other criminal activities occurring inside the facility.

One strategy I would employ with this personality type that would be effective is fostering trust and open communication between myself and any Opportunists I come across while on duty. By showing genuine interest in their lives outside of prison, offering advice when asked for it, and being forthcoming about expectations I have of them (such as abiding by all regulations) will go a long way towards building rapport between us. When they know they can rely on me, they’re more likely to share potentially valuable pieces of information with me if needed – giving me a better understanding of the dynamics within my institution which in turn helps maintain order throughout my shift.

The inmate personality type that I believe it would be difficult for me to be effective with is The Bully. Bullies tend to use intimidation tactics or threats against both staff members and fellow inmates alike, in an attempt to gain respect from other prisoners or even manipulate situations for their own benefit. As a correctional officer trying to restore peace within an already tense atmosphere this kind of behavior cannot go unchecked – but confronting bullies head-on has its drawbacks too: not only does it risk retaliatory violence against myself or other officers present but there’s also our reputation among other inmates at stake; appearing weak when dealing with bullies may encourage more such behavior down the line making our job harder overall instead easier!

One strategy I could employ with this personality type that would be effective is using non-confrontational approaches such as creating safe spaces away from high tension points where prisoners can meet without fear of reprisal – while still being under watchful eye – thus deescalating rising tensions before matters reach boiling point; another approach could involve talking privately one-on-one with bullies offering them incentives (such as improved living arrangements) if they follow through on agreed upon sanctions like refraining from verbal abuse etc.. It’s important here not just focus on punishment but also reward positive behaviour accordingly so we don’t inadvertently create resentment among prisoners who see themselves ‘unjustly punished’ either due diligence must pay off both ways if we hope have any sort lasting effect over time!


Schmalleger F., 2021 Prison Roles & Subculture [online]. Available at: https://www2.fvtc1/content/enforced/4732317-5e093919ef18b27a48cf561a/sections/4732401?tab=0&fragment=true

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