After reading the article of your choice, you are to write a 500-700 word paper responding to the questions
below. Yes, I will check the Word Count to see if you meet the 500 word minimum. Five hundred words is
typically one page, single spaced with size 12 font. Remember to have an introductory paragraph,
paragraphs to answer each of the questions and a conclusion paragraph which summarizes your points.
You must reference the National Geographic article and any additional articles you need to answer the last
What is the issue surrounding water in the article you read? Who does this issue affect? Is this a regional,
national or international problem and why?
What innovative methods are being used to solve the problem?
This article was written in 2010. Do some research to find out the status of the project, policy, technology,
etc. Many of the articles refer to programs with specific target start or completion dates. Look up the
program to find out the status of their progress and report on it.