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• Both justice systems are designed to promote public safety and uphold the rule of law.
• They both involve legal proceedings, such as arraignment hearings, plea bargaining, trials and sentencing.
• The rights of defendants in both justice systems must be respected and protected under the Fourth Amendment right against unreasonable search and seizure, as well as due process protections.
• The juvenile justice system is more focused on rehabilitation than punishment compared to the criminal justice system.
• Juveniles have fewer rights than adults in a criminal case; for example, they cannot waive their Miranda rights or be subject to a jury trial if charged with an offense. Additionally, juveniles can potentially receive lighter sentences or alternative programs like diversionary programs that provide restorative measures instead of jail time or fines.
• Juvenile cases typically take place in family court rather than criminal court where the age of majority has been reached by an accused individual. Additionally, juvenile delinquency records may be sealed which allows them to avoid having long lasting consequences that could follow them into adulthood with criminal records do not allow for this same courtesy these days when employers run background checks regularly before hiring employees help bolster security at work places across America today.

Key U.S Supreme Court Cases Affecting Due Process in Juvenile Cases:
1) In re Gault (1967): This landmark decision established due process rights for juveniles accused of delinquent acts including the right to counsel during adjudicatory hearings; notice of charges; confrontation and cross-examination during those proceedings; protection from self-incrimination; access to witnesses supporting their defense; prohibition from cruel and unusual punishments specified by statute; prohibition from excessive bail beyond what is reasonable based on the nature/severity of alleged crime(s); requirements for clear proof beyond a reasonable doubt prior to conviction/adjudication within juvenile courts alongside other standards required within adult courts.
2) In re Winship (1970): This case found that all individuals are entitled to “proof beyond a reasonable doubt” prior being adjudicated guilty by either criminal or juvenile courts alike adhering closely with tenets previously established through In Re Gault two years earlier while affirming Fifth Amendment constitutional protections afforded individuals also listed within Fourteenth Amendment appeals heard throughout various state supreme court decisions over recent years thus further establishing 14th Amendment due process protections even among minors facing delinquency proceedings alongside adults going through typical judicial procedures at each level nationwide ruling that “proof beyond a reasonable doubt” applies equally whether involving minor children or full-grown competent adults likewise.. 3) Haley v Ohio (1968):This important Supreme Court decision set forth new parameters regarding child interrogations without presence/consent given by parents related thereto outlining additional due process guidelines allowing minors charged with crimes affordance relative “protection from unfairness” even when parents absent during interrogations conducted by police officers concerned primarily about getting confessions often times prompting false information leading toward wrongful convictions within US Judicial System pertaining specifically thereto among other civil liberties issues underscoring need greater judicial oversight thereof but ultimately cements importance parental involvement especially cases involving underage defendants under circumstances otherwise unexplored therein until then later affirmed following year In Re Gault extending similar provisions further throughout many states ever since impacting outcomes countless young lives incorporated particularly thereunder towards present day accordingly…

Domestic terrorism refers to terrorist activities committed inside one’s own country against citizens living there whereas international terrorism pertains more so activities taking place outside one’s native lands targeting citizens living abroad usually stemming political disputes between conflicting nations trying find resolution peacefully whilst avoiding military conflict often times breaking out despite best efforts prevent it altogether sometimes failing regardless said attempts initiated order lessen incidence aforesaid tribulations occurring regular basis even present day unfortunately still pervasive worldwide occurring frequently thus far albeit hopefully lessening degree severity magnitude time elapses ensues herewith moving forward …The USA PATRIOT Act was enacted on October 26th 2001 after 9/11 attacks took place New York City intended strengthen United States government’s ability detect prevent use weapons mass destruction domestic terrorist groups foreign enemies posing existential threat American soil consequentially setting stage future battle terror preventing proliferation contagion develop any shape form conversely investing resources investigative agencies properly track down thwart potential atrocities arising out same securely post haste should necessary…

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