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The passage of Matthew 2:1-15 is the story of the visit of the Magi. The narrative begins with a group of people known as the “Magi” coming from the east to Jerusalem, asking about where they could find Jesus after seeing his star in the sky. Herod, alarmed by this news, consulted with his advisors and learns that Jesus was prophesied to be born in Bethlehem; he then orders them to go find him and report back what they learn. The Magi travel to Bethlehem and find baby Jesus, offering him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh before being warned by an angel not to return to Herod so they went home another way.

The main characters in this narrative are protagonist include the wise men (or magi) who come seeking Jesus; Herod who is presented as an antagonist due to his later attempt at trying to kill all baby boys under two years old; and Joseph, Mary, and Jesus himself who represent God’s plan for salvation coming into fruition. There is also a narrator which appears impartial but has some bias towards highlighting how special it was that these ‘wise men’ were able to recognize God’s plan from afar because of their wisdom.

The tension or conflict comes when Herod learns about baby Jesus being born and attempts at killing him out of fear for losing power over Jerusalem – however this is resolved when God warns Joseph through an angel in a dream telling him flee with Mary and Baby Jesus until it was safe before returning. Nearby periscopes such as verse 23 help explain why Joseph acted quickly on this warning since it says “He went there for safety reasons” referring back directly back saving Mary & Baby Joesph from Herods wrath

This narrative takes place during the time period just after Christ’s birth – so around 4BCE – 7 BCE leading up right before His baptism narrated in Matthew 3:13-17. This part specifically happens down southern Jerusalem near Bethlehem according Gold and Myrrh given by Jews symbolizing royalty while Frankincense signify holiness appeared as spiritual tribute paid by gentile foreigners honoring Christ even though He had yet been revealed publicly as Messiah..

The gospel author may have recorded this narrative due its importance within Jewish culture regarding fulfillment prophecy concerning upcoming messiah – specifically referencing Daniel 9:24-25 which talks about appearing 70 weeks after Babylonian exile – making timing crucial for understanding implications behind Gods will & human response . It also serves reminder what faith looks like despite previous disappointments when looking forward future hope – not unlike similar reports Abraham Isaac initially having no heir only then followed shortly afterwards he did . In addition , having large amount significant visitors traveling long distance legitimizes new King meant serve purpose other than rulers own personal gain would’ve spoken volumes Israelites oppression Roman rule at time..

To interpret this passage we can turn events preceding current context give better perspective magnitude issue taking place throughout region prior arrival Magi . During middle 1st century Palestine experienced extreme levels unrest caused political upheaval oppressive foreign occupation Romans ; majority population citizens lived disheartened state despair struggling every day survive struggles against government . At same time , small number faithful all religious backgrounds continued trust God – remaining hopeful prays answered despite darkness clouds surrounding them . This situation reflects times today often feel same sense helplessness hopelessness living current society filled violence injustice .. With that said , arrival wise men represented beacon light piercing night bringing message joy peace world fully unprepared needed most .. These gifts represented encouragement promise divine intervention even smallest sign hope could bring comfort assurance better days come . Moreover , although delivered difficult circumstances still managed lead successful completion ending prophetically foretold centuries ago showing strength need keep pressing forward challenging times while believing bigger picture ultimately works favor our good.

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