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The pros of notifying victims of progress made in their offenders case is that it can bring a sense of closure and peace to the victims. The idea is that by being informed, victims will feel more empowered and reassured that justice has been served. It also allows them to remain up-to-date on the status of their offender’s case and any decisions made by courts or prosecutors about their offender’s sentence or parole date. This can help provide a sense of security for the victim, knowing they are kept updated on the progress of their case instead of being left in the dark.

The cons however, may be that continued contact with authorities regarding an offender’s case could cause additional trauma for some crime victims. For example, if notified with information regarding parole hearings or possible early release dates for an offender, it could bring back difficult emotions such as fear and anxiety which may have been experienced during the original crime itself. Furthermore, depending on how close a victim was to the perpetrator prior to committing a crime, this notification process may require revisiting painful memories which were previously suppressed in order for them to move forward with their lives post-offense.

Victim notification laws were designed so that crime victims would not be excluded from having influence over proceedings related to an offense committed against them; thus allowing victims more control over ensuring accountability from offenders who caused harm towards them without disregarding due process requirements under law enforcement procedures. By informing victims throughout various stages within criminal proceedings such as plea bargains/sentencing/parole reviews etc., it gives those affected direct access into monitoring court proceedings taking place before final dispositions are decided against perpetrators convicted of offenses associated with theirs cases where applicable; offering protection through knowledge when needed most while simultaneously providing space where necessary following traumatic events they encountered (e.g re-traumatization).

Failure to notify crime victims regarding updates surrounding offenders’ cases can result in numerous harms such as feelings alienation stemming from believing they weren’t given proper consideration when making decisions related to prosecuting those responsible; additionally leading towards increased levels mistrust forming between law enforcement agencies whose purpose is sworn uphold its citizens safety – even further compromising public safety overall if general hesitancy develops amongst potential witnesses ready willing testify against wrongdoers out fear retaliation retribution since measures aren’t place ensure everyone involved obtain justice proportionate respective actions taken upon completion investigations into crimes committed against individuals living within jurisdiction authority services provided therein .

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