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Executive sessions are a way for senior executives to stay apprised of the progress and performance of a project. They often involve presentations from team members, as well as reviews of documents and data related to the project. These sessions can range in length and complexity, depending on the specific goals of the organization. The main purpose of executive sessions is to provide an opportunity for senior management to gain insights into how projects are progressing and make decisions based on that knowledge.

It may be beneficial to hold executive sessions on the basis of project performance norms and key milestone dates rather than following a fixed schedule. This allows senior management to focus their attention on areas where progress needs improvement or more resources need allocation without having to be tied down by a predefined timeline. By aligning with expected milestones, it also allows for course corrections if needed before it is too late in order for the project to remain successful.


This would require some changes in organizational culture, such as adapting existing business processes so they support this new approach while still maintaining efficiency and effectiveness within departments. It could also involve redefining roles and responsibilities so there is clear communication regarding expectations between senior executives and lower levels of management. Finally, fostering an environment that encourages open dialogue between all levels within an organization enables effective decision making even when facing difficult challenges or deviations from expected results during a project’s lifecycle.

A culture of openness can be established that encourages briefings to senior executives regarding deviations from expected performance (both good and bad) by creating policies around reporting metrics at different intervals depending on team size or complexity level; establishing clear incentives for sharing news about successes/positive outcomes but also failures/negative ones; promoting accountability through regular feedback opportunities; providing coaching/mentoring; embracing failure as part of learning process; rewarding transparency across teams; developing training programs around corporate values such as honesty and integrity; encouraging constructive criticism about processes among employees; allowing access to data throughout company hierarchy so everyone has necessary information available at any given moment etc .

Some less time-consuming ways through which an executive manager can update himself or herself on the status of a project include: conducting one-on-one meetings with key personnel involved in running different aspects/areas (such as budgeting or design); subscribing to automated reports sent via email detailing various metrics associated with success factors like timeline adherence or cost control ; organizing frequent conference calls with contributors ; attending external seminars relevant to industry trends etc .(Bender & Mironovskaia, 2019). Additionally, managers should take advantage digital tools used by teams working remotely (like Skype discussions groups) in order gain visibility into what activities are being completed regularly.(Keeley et al., 2020). Taking advantage both traditional methods like face-to-face conversations but also using contemporary technologies will help managers achieve better understanding faster , enabling them make informed decisions quickly .


Bender S., & Mironovskaia E.. (2019). Top Ways How Managers Can Stay Updated about Project Progress Asynchronously Using Technology Tools [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://blogscodexpertisehubpkcom /top_ways_how_managers_can_stay _updated _about _project_progress _asynchronously_using – technology _tools%27 Keeley R., Coleman V,. Oglethorpe J., Coutts K.. (2020). A framework for remote work: Developing adaptive strategies using agile tools [White paper]. Retrieved from https://www2 deloitte com/_ /media/Deloitte PDFs/uk /deloitte -austerity -questionnaire pdf?la=en&hash=96E332EB3F4DA90CBDFDEE63339F6BE8C88EC9AE

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