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One barrier that I think prohibits nurses from engaging in Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is lack of knowledge and understanding of research methods. Nurses may not be familiar with the steps necessary to evaluate research studies, as well as how to critically analyze data and draw appropriate inferences about clinical practice. A strategy for addressing this issue would be for hospitals and other healthcare facilities to provide resources and training on EBP. They could offer continuing education programs and webinars, as well as workshops focused on analyzing evidence, developing research questions, searching the literature, appraising research sources, drawing valid conclusions, implementing changes in care based on findings of the evaluation process and monitoring outcomes. All of these skills are essential for nurses to engage in EBP effectively.

My thinking has changed significantly over the past 8 weeks when it comes to nursing research and evidence-based practice. Before this course I had a basic understanding of what constitutes evidence-based practice but lacked an appreciation for just how much time goes into developing sound evidence-based strategies that can improve patient care outcomes. Through completing my assignments I have gained a better understanding of the process involved in identifying a problem or need within a healthcare setting; defining goals; collecting data through qualitative or quantitative means; analyzing results; formulating an action plan; implementing any required changes; evaluating progress towards achieving goals set out at the start; sharing best practices with colleagues where appropriate; reflecting upon lessons learned during implementation phase prior to repeating entire cycle indefinitely if necessary. This cyclical approach is important for ensuring optimal patient care outcomes resulting from quality improvement initiatives undertaken by nurses using EBP principles.

The most helpful new item that I learned during this course was something called “converting counts into proportions” which is used when transforming raw numerical data into ratios or percentages so they can be interpreted more easily by comparing samples sizes against one another rather than trying to compare absolute numbers directly (for example: converting 25 patients surveyed out of 100 eligible patients versus 200 patients surveyed out of 500 eligible patients). Converting counts into proportions helps researchers gain meaningful insights by providing them with an easy way to track differences between survey results across multiple samples sizes while also allowing them to identify trends more quickly than when interpreting raw numerical figures alone would allow them too do so manually instead. This technique was especially useful when performing statistical analyses as part my group project assignment which required us develop recommendations based on our findings obtained through conducting interviews with stakeholders within our chosen healthcare organization.

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