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One of the “Ten Spiritual Rules of the Road” that I wish to further develop in my role as a nurse leader is “Seek out and value spiritual diversity.” Spiritual intelligence encourages us to be open-minded, tolerant and respectful of beliefs other than our own. As a nurse leader, this means recognizing that each person I work with brings their own set of spiritual beliefs and values to the table, understanding why they hold those beliefs and respecting their right to do so without judgement or criticism. It also means actively seeking out spiritual diversity among my colleagues in order to create an environment where different perspectives can be shared openly without fear of rejection or ridicule.

The impact of creativity and spiritual intelligence on a nurse leader role can be significant. Creativity allows for exploration beyond traditional methods when it comes to providing care for patients; encouraging leaders to come up with new ideas or solutions when faced with challenging situations. With spiritual intelligence, leaders are more likely to connect with their team members on a deeper level – building trusting relationships that foster communication, collaboration and mutual respect within healthcare teams. This type of connection is key for creating effective working environments where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts freely in order to achieve positive outcomes for all involved parties.

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