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Communication technology, clinical information systems, and the electronic medical record have had a tremendous impact on the future of healthcare. By utilizing these tools, healthcare providers are able to improve patient safety by providing quality care in an efficient manner. Communication technology such as telemedicine allows for remote patient consultations that would otherwise require patients to travel long distances or wait long periods of time for appointments. Clinical information systems can store large amounts of data such as test results and patient histories that can be used to identify any potential risk factors or issues before they become more serious problems. Lastly, electronic medical records provide patients with a secure way to access their own health records online while also allowing physicians and other healthcare providers easy access to important medical information needed for accurate diagnoses.

One example of how these technologies can be used together is through the use of wearable devices connected with telemedicine services. Wearable devices like fitness trackers or smart watches have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their ability to collect and transmit real-time physiological data such as heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, etc., which can then be analyzed remotely via telemedicine services. This setup allows physicians to monitor their patients’ health from afar and intervene if necessary before more serious complications arise. In addition, this system also makes it easier for nurses who don’t necessarily need a physician’s input but may want some advice about how best to help manage a particular situation or condition; this could include monitoring vital signs over extended periods of time that may not warrant direct contact with a doctor but might still benefit from timely feedback from experienced professionals nonetheless.

Despite all the benefits provided by communication technology and clinical information systems however there is one potential problem: the extra workload placed on nursing staff due to increased demand for detailed documentation stemming from using EMRs (electronic medical records) and having increased “hands-off” supervision because so much monitoring is now being done remotely rather than face-to-face in person visits at hospitals/clinics (which requires fewer follow ups). As such it is important that solutions are implemented that both help streamline workflows while simultaneously ensuring accuracy when documenting patient data; one possible solution here could involve implementing computerized provider order entry (CPOE) software/automation systems which allow clinicians – including nurse practitioners – greater control over ordering tests/procedures without needing multiple verbal exchanges between themselves & physicians thus reducing paperwork & transcription errors while speeding up diagnosis & treatment times overall.

In conclusion communication technology has had an enormous impact on the future of healthcare -with its many advantages comes some challenges too however -allowing us great opportunities when utilized correctly we must ensure proper workflow management so our nursing staff experience positive rather than negative repercussions & ultimately get feel confident they have quality support behind them during their busy shifts!

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