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Technology can be a powerful tool for learning, but it can also cause stress in school or practice. In the video, Meredith mentions several ways that technology can cause stress. For instance, she discusses how students and practitioners may feel overwhelmed by having to learn new technologies quickly. Technology is rapidly changing, so keeping up with the latest tools and devices can be difficult and stressful for those who are not tech-savvy. Additionally, Meredith talks about how digital distractions such as social media or games on phones can take away from study time and lead to procrastination. This type of procrastination leads to increased anxiety as deadlines approach.

Another way technology causes stress is through online tests and exams. Taking online tests often puts students in unfamiliar territory since they must interact with the material over a computer monitor rather than on paper with an instructor present to provide guidance and support when needed. Moreover, cyberbullying is one of the most unfortunate effects of technology in school settings – especially among adolescents – which can create an atmosphere where bullying becomes more prevalent due to its anonymity (Sansone & Sansone). Cyberbullying increases feelings of helplessness and anxiety among many young people due to its malicious nature (Sansone & Sansone).

In order to deal with these stresses caused by technology in school or practice, there are several strategies one might pursue:

First off , make sure you know your resources – if you do not feel comfortable using certain technologies or programs related to your studies then make sure you turn towards help when appropriate; instructors should be willing to answer questions if asked respectfully . It is also important that schools provide education around digital safety topics such as avoiding cyberbullying behaviors . Second , set reasonable expectations for yourself both academically (such as setting deadlines) but also technologically (being realistic about what kind of skills you have ) ; this will ensure that studying does not become overly burdensome . Third , create boundaries between work/study time and leisure activities ; this could mean staying off social media during specific times , reducing notifications on electronic devices , or allocating chunks o f time solely dedicated towards getting your studies done without distraction . Finally , utilize relaxation techniques such as controlled breathing exercises when feeling overwhelmed ; even simply taking five minutes out from work/study time each day just focusing on your breath has been proven effective at relieving stress .

A moment in my life where technology stressed me out was during my first semester of college classes when I was taking four classes which all had some form of online component attached . I felt overwhelmed trying to keep up with all my assignments while also learning how new technologies worked because I had never used them before ! The pressure began piling up into what seemed like an insurmountable task until I finally decided enough was enough and utilized some relaxation techniques like taking deep breaths whenever things felt too overwhelming – eventually things got better once I was able to overcome my initial struggles !


Sansone RA., & Sansone LA.,(2010). Cyber Bullying: Considerations From a Psychiatric Perspective Journal Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing 23(1), 8-15

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