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I interviewed Mrs. Brown, a 6th grade teacher who has been teaching for over 20 years. During the interview, she discussed her many qualities as an intentional teacher and how her teaching style has evolved over time. She stated that when she first began teaching, she followed a more traditional approach to instruction and relied heavily on direct instruction with minimal attention paid to differentiating instruction for diverse learners or addressing students’ social-emotional needs. Over the years, however, her practices have become much more intentional as she has gained experience and grown in knowledge of educational psychology theories and concepts.

Mrs. Brown noted that through reading research studies in professional journals, both formally and informally, she has developed a better understanding of best instructional practices to meet the needs of all learners in her classroom. She now employs differentiated instruction strategies such as flexible grouping within heterogeneous classrooms which allows students to work with peers at their level while still having access to high quality content materials that are appropriate for their learning abilities. Additionally, Mrs. Brown mentioned that cooperative learning strategies are incorporated into lessons so students can work together collaboratively as well as receive peer feedback on their work which fosters academic achievement among all levels of learners in the classroom.

Mrs. Brown also noted that she pays close attention to student motivation by employing some behavior management systems such as token economies where positive reinforcement is given when certain desired behaviors are displayed among the class members. Furthermore, Mrs Brown highlighted the importance of building relationships between herself and each student by providing personalized feedback about student performance during one-on-one conferences or small group meetings throughout the school year which allows her to get valuable insight from each individual student about their unique learning styles or needs they may be struggling with academically or otherwise socially/emotionally related issues they might be facing both inside and outside of school boundaries.

In conclusion after speaking with Mrs. Brown I was able to gain insight into how educational psychology theories such as behaviorism (token economies), constructivism (differentiated instruction & cooperative learning) & humanism (personalized individual feedback & relationship building) play an important role in informing her intentional practice methods within classroom settings allowing all types of learners access equal opportunities for academic success while fostering healthy emotional connections needed between teachers & students alike throughout the entire school year!

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