Sample Solution

Question 1: What can you say about the relationship between Lindsey and her director? Do you think he is a good manager/leader?
The relationship between Lindsey and her director appears to be one of trust. Her boss has given her a number of important tasks that he knows she can handle, which suggests that he trusts in her abilities. However, it also appears that his trust may be misplaced as this workload has caused Lindsey to become apathetic and less motivated to put in extra effort into her work. In addition, by not offering any incentives for taking on additional tasks such as pay raises or promotions when they become available, it shows that the director does not value the effort Lindsey is putting in. It could also suggest a lack of understanding or appreciation for the impact these responsibilities have on other aspects of her life like family time and rest. Overall, while the director may sincerely believe that giving these responsibilities to someone who will take care of them is better than leaving them unfinished or unsupervised, his actions do not show an understanding or respect for what this means for Lindsey’s overall wellbeing. Therefore, I would argue that he is not being an effective leader in this situation.

Question 2: What is happening to Lindsey’s attitude? Using the various theoretical constructs we have read, explain what Lindsey is feeling, how that is currently contributing to her performance, and to what outcomes it could possibly lead to over time. Justify your explanation.
Lindsey appears to be experiencing burnout due to excessive demands placed upon her by her boss; both personal demands from trying maintain balance with housework and children alongside work and professional demands from having too many high-profile tasks put onto one person without adequate support or recognition for their efforts (Maslach & Leiter 1997). This extreme level of stress has led Lindsay’s motivation level decrease significantly as she no longer sees performing well at work as beneficial since there are no rewards associated with doing so (Vroom 1964). As such she now focuses solely on completing tasks assigned with minimal thought given towards quality control mechanisms which directly affects overall performance levels (Herzberg 1966). If left unchecked this downwards spiral could ultimately lead Lindsay becoming resentful towards both colleagues who don’t share similar burdens but still receive recognition plus management styles which disregard employee welfare leading potential resignation if matters remain unresolved (Locke 1975).

Question 3: Now imagine that you were Lindsey’s boss and someone just came up and explained to you how your actions are affecting Lindsey and what they might lead

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