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Supervision Contract between [Supervisor] and [Supervisee]

This contract outlines the expectations and roles of both supervisor and supervisee while engaging in the supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) candidate. This contract is designed to ensure that all ethical mandates set by the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB) are observed.

Supervision must include, at minimum, one hour of face-to-face weekly meetings or two hours every other week meetings, as well as additional time spent outside of these meetings for review, planning and communication with supervisee; this includes but is not limited to any electronic communications. During sessions, supervisor will provide guidance on professional conduct when working with clients as well as feedback on performance based skill development related to BCBA competencies (Behavior Analyst Certification Board 2019). Additionally, there may be times where an appropriate setting allows for observation of the supervisee during their work such that feedback can be provided in a timely manner.

The supervisor agrees to maintain ethical standards outlined by BACB throughout their relationship with the supervisee including confidentiality regarding all matters discussed unless previously agreed upon in writing otherwise (Behavior Analyst Certification Board 2019). The supervisor also agrees to notify the supervisee immediately if they believe they no longer meet requirements for independent supervision or have become unable or unwilling to provide adequate support; this notification should occur before an incident occurs which would warrant action from BACB’s Ethics Committee. Furthermore, both parties agree not engage in activities which violate ethics codes established by BACB (Behavior Analyst Certification Board 2019).

Both parties acknowledge that it is important for supervisory relationships to remain professional; therefore there shall be no dating/romantic relationships between them prior to completion of successful independent supervision. If such a relationship develops during supervision efforts all activities must cease until successful termination has been achieved or until counseled otherwise by qualified professional familiar with relevant codes of ethics.. Lastly both parties agree that any violation(s)of this agreement shall result in immediate suspension/termination without compensation and could potentially result in further disciplinary action from The Behavior Analysis Certification Board depending upon severity of offense(s).

References:  Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2019). Professional & Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts v1_2_02062019 [PECC]. Retrieved October 8th 2020 from

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