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One reading strategy for kindergarten students that can be sent home to continue learning in the home environment is “shared reading”. Shared reading is a method of instruction where the teacher reads aloud from a book or other text, and the students listen and follow along. This method allows early learners to become familiar with books, language, and concepts while developing their own skills as readers.

To ensure that this shared reading strategy is implemented in an effective manner at school, it should first be introduced during whole-class instruction times. To start off, I would introduce one new book each day so that all students are exposed to new material on a regular basis. After introducing each book orally using key words and phrases within context (e.g., exploring any unfamiliar vocabulary), I could then engage my students through various interactive activities such as: retelling the story using props; discussing characters’ actions; drawing pictures about what happened in different points of the story; or making up questions about what they read or heard. The purpose of these activities is not only to ensure comprehension but also help them make connections between the task at hand (i.e., shared reading) and future tasks they may encounter when practicing independently both at school and at home.

In order to ensure successful implementation of this strategy throughout my classroom environment, I would need to develop a plan for how it will be used by each student individually on an ongoing basis as well as how parent involvement plays into these efforts outside of school hours. To begin with, I could create weekly packets containing worksheets relevant to the shared readings that have been done throughout the week so far (which helps to bring structure and accountability). These packets should include instructions for parents on how best to use them with their child at home (such as activities like summarizing stories out loud together). Additionally, since some families may not have access to printed materials due lack of resources/financial constraints etc., I could provide digital copies which can easily be accessed via email if needed for those families who do not have easy access/affordability issues regarding printed versions . Finally , having regular check-ins with parents will help me better understand which strategies have worked best for individual children outside of class time so we can adjust accordingly moving forward .

Overall , implementing this shared reading program consistently both inside and outside our classroom walls will go a long way towards ensuring optimal literacy development among all our kindergarteners!

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