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The relationship between psychological development and spiritual formation is complex and multifaceted, as it involves both the individual’s unique personality traits as well as their religious or spiritual beliefs. There is a growing body of research that suggests that certain aspects of an individual’s psychological development may have an effect on their spiritual formation experiences. In particular, personality traits such as openness to experience, self-transcendence, optimism, and connectedness to others may influence how individuals approach religious or spiritual issues (Gillespie & Schultheiss, 2007).

Openness to experience has been linked to increased curiosity about spirituality (Saroglou & Delpierre 2004). This can lead individuals with higher levels of this trait to explore different faiths or traditions more deeply than those who are less open because they are more likely to be interested in various aspects of religion or spirituality. For example, those with higher levels of openness may be drawn towards studying esoteric topics such as mysticism and meditative practices while those with lower levels may be more focused on traditional rituals. Furthermore, research has found that being open minded helps create a sense of trust between the individual and God which allows them to engage in meaningful dialogue (Poloma & Pendleton 1989).

Self-transcendence is also important for spiritual growth since it involves looking beyond oneself and feeling connected with something larger than oneself (Friedman2005). Individuals who possess high levels of this trait are typically drawn towards activities that help them connect with the divine; these include prayer, meditation and formative reading. Furthermore, prior studies indicate that high self-transcendence scores correlate positively with intense personal transformation during religious experiences (Bard et al., 1996). Moreover ,people high in self-transcendence tend to emphasize feelings over thoughts when talking about God which can lead to deeper connections and stronger faith commitments(Rondina et al., 2010) .

Optimism can also contribute positively toward one’s spiritual development by promoting positive attitudes towards life events(Scheier& Carver1986) . Optimistic people tend not only accept difficult situations but also see them as opportunities for growth rather than obstacles; this attitude leads them look at life from a broader perspective which facilitates engagement in deeper contemplation on matters related to faith(Haidt 2001 ). Moreover , optimistic people often receive greater support from fellow believers due their upbeat nature making it easier for them embrace new ideas within religion without fear judgement or rejection by others(Remen 1998 ).
Connectedness has been associated with greater satisfaction among believers due its ability encourage relationships among members within a congregation(Worthington et al., 2011) .This feeling of connection allows for shared experiences which gives rise mutual understanding leading participants become engaged in discussions related theology rather than just listening passively what other have say(McMinn 2006 ) .Furthermore , by recognizing importance interpersonal relationships developing strong ties family friends church members etc people develop sense community enabling then gain strength each other during times difficulty thus deepening their relationship God.(DeKoster 2002 )

In conclusion, research indicates that certain aspects psychological development play role influencing individuals spiritual formation process. Openness experience self transcendent optimism all appear correlated increased interest pursuit spiritually relevant activities whereas connectedness fosters greater satisfaction within religious setting allowing believers deepen their bond God through interactions others who share similar beliefs.(Fryling&Roberts 2013 ).


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