What were territorial strategies the US government used to take homelands from American Indian nations in
the 1800s and how were these strategies justified (Lecture 15; ADL, [2005] 2019)? How did this result in the
loss of people, land and culture and chronic trauma for indigenous peoples (Brave Heart and Debruyn, 1998;
Brown-Rice, 2013)?
Required reading: Anti-Defamation League ([2005] 2019). ‘The Doctrine of Discovery and American
Expansion’. In Lewis and Clark: The Unheard Voices, pp. 69-70, available at:
https://www.adl.org/media/5089/download .
Brave Heart, Maria Yellow Horse and DeBruyn, Lemyra. (1998) ‘The American Indian Holocaust: Healing
Historical Unresolved Grief’. American Indian and Alaskan Mental Health Research 8 (2): 60-83.
Brown-Rice, Kathleen. (2013). ‘Examining the Theory of Historical Trauma Among Native Americans’. The