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Software refers to the programs and other operating information used by a computer, while a program is an individual set of instructions that tells the computer what tasks to perform. Software includes both system software and application software, which are comprised of programs written in programming languages like C++, Java and HTML. System software consists of those responsible for managing a computer’s internal functions, such as its memory or processing speed. Application software is designed for users so they can complete specific tasks on their computers such as word processing, making spreadsheets or creating presentations.

The main difference between software and program is that software is made up of multiple programs whereas a single program performs one specific task. Programs are considered components of the larger whole known as “software” because they tell computers how to process data in order to accomplish particular goals or objectives. Each program has its own purpose, defining it with its own instructions that command the computer what tasks to do in order to generate output results. To make use of any type of computer application or utility requires at least one piece of software running on its operating system (OS). This OS provides the platform required for applications to run without fail due to its built-in support features including memory management and access control mechanisms (like security) among others.

Software development involves coding from scratch using programming languages like C++ whereas modifying existing code may be necessary when writing programs; this difference allows developers more freedom when designing overall architecture compared with pre-existing codebase limitations when coding individual programs within a given framework only allowing certain design/functionality parameters not exceeding them.. Additionally, developing custom tailored solutions require complex algorithms which necessitate more time than simply working off existing preexisting code sets already established thus significantly affecting cost/time estimates associated with development efforts especially if large scale projects are involved similar those found enterprise environments where massive development cycles stretch over many years involving hundreds if not thousands workers worldwide working together towards common goal(s). Lastly, general maintenance/upgrading/patching becomes easier with well-defined modularized structures as opposed traditional monolithic architectures whose complexity levels increase exponentially making them difficult manage properly down line leading crashes unexpected behavior resulting poor performance user experience reports coming back customers end users thus requiring additional resources allocated bug fixes instead creating new functionality higher priority items end product road map schedule .

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