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Sociological: Societal norms and expectations can play a significant role in the incidence or potential for domestic or workplace violence. For example, gender roles, hierarchies of power, traditional views on masculinity and femininity, tolerance of aggressive behavior in certain settings (e.g., sports) may all influence how people perceive and respond to violent relationships or situations. Similarly, economic disparities such as poverty promote inequality and competition which can lead to more aggressive behaviors being endorsed as acceptable forms of communication or negotiation. Finally community-level influences such as gang activity have been linked with increases in both types of violence.

Psychological: Individual psychological factors also contribute to the likelihood of DV/WPV occurring. Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse are often present within relationships that involve violence—either perpetrating it or experiencing it firsthand—and research suggests that people with these individual tendencies may be more likely to become involved in an abusive relationship due to difficulty recognizing appropriate boundaries in their own interactions with others. Additionally there are particular personality traits associated with perpetrators and victims including impulsivity, lack of empathy, entitlement attitudes towards specific actions/outcomes etc., all of which can increase the propensity for one’s behavioral choices leading them into an abusive cycle even if they were not raised under conditions that would normally encourage this type of behavior patterns.

Environmental: The environment we live in has a large influence over our daily lives and our behavior towards others; environmental factors like access to firearms (or other weapons), exposure to media coverage about Domestic/Workplace Violence (DV/WPV), availability of resources (e.g., shelters) for those suffering from DV/WPV can affect how individuals think about these kinds of situations and ultimately whether they will attempt to engage offensively or defensively when faced with them themselves at some point down the line in life . Poorly maintained workplaces where safety standards are ignored also create higher risks for WPV given its already higher levels compared than DV due simply to the interpersonal dynamics between colleagues who may not necessarily know each other well prior starting working together at a shared site . Gaps between legal systems’ actual protection provisions versus what is actually implemented across different locales can mean varying degrees justice available depending on geographical region creating additional complexity when attempting reduce levels instances either form violence during resolution stage course action taken against perpetrator(s).

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