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Jean Piaget’s Theory of Moral Development posits that moral development is mainly based on cognitive development and the understanding of rights, rules, and norms. According to this theory, children progress through four stages: (1) pre-conventional morality, where they focus on external rewards; (2) conventional morality, where they focus on following socially accepted behaviors; (3) post-conventional morality, which involves personal values and a deeper understanding of what is right or wrong; and (4) principled conscience morality, in which individuals develop their own moral code by evaluating their actions according to universal ethical principles. Through these stages of cognitive development in combination with direct experiences in life, children are able to develop a sense of justice as well as an understanding of how different people think and feel.

Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development proposes six stages grouped into three levels—pre-conventional level for young children aged 4–10 years old; the conventional level for adolescents aged 10–15 years old; and post-conventional or ‘principled’ level for mature adults aged over 15 years old. This theory suggests that individuals develop a sense of right and wrong as they grow older with each stage being more complex than the previous one. During early childhood at the pre-conventional level individuals rely mostly upon external forces such as parents or teachers to guide their decision making process while during adolescence at the conventional level decisions begin to be made based upon social conventions such as laws or cultural values established by society. At the post-conventional or ‘principled’ level individual beliefs take precedence over societal expectations thereby creating an internalized moral compass that guides choices even when there are no clear guidelines from outside sources.

Elliot Turiel’s Moral Domain Theory suggests that there are two types of rules -moral rules/ laws related to morals/ethics like not harming others versus nonmoral rules/laws related to safety issues like not running across traffic lights -and argues that humans recognize both types but obey them for different reasons depending on whether it is a moral rule or not i.e., obey nonmoral because it keeps us safe while obeying moral because it is required by law rather than fear punishment etc.. In addition this theory states that human beings have an innate capacity for distinguishing between right & wrong when interacting with others since birth which further develops throughout life with experience & education . This domain gains relevance due its implications regarding raising children – focusing only on punishments disregards emphasizing underlying factors such as empathy & responsibility towards others .

Albert Bandura’s Theory Of Moral Development Through Social Learning focuses primarily on modeling behavior within our environments leading us to observe how people around us behave so we can figure out what kind behavior may be desirable/appropriate/acceptable in certain situations without needing any explicit punishments or rewards associated with them . According Bandura , humans are capable learning from observing other humans & reinforcement either positive /negative determines if certain behavior should be repeated in future circumstances . For example if child sees mother behaving charitably then he might follow suite assuming his mother was praised after her charitable act reinforcing this positive behavior

Two theories similar: Jean Piaget’s Theory Of Moral Development And Lawrence Kohlberg’s Theory Of Moral Development have similarities in terms of structural hierarchy pertaining each stage concerning moral progression Each includes preconvenional , conventionaL , post convential / principled phases however differ slightly in terms fo practical implications at each phase For instance both agree when it comes up respecting elders however Lawrence Kholberg deems respect rooted inside obedience owing authority figures whereas Jean Piaget definesrespect arising out recognizing interdependent relationship between adult&child also vice versa  Another similarity lies within basic structure Both theories involve gradual evolution showcasing progression away from reliance external influences towards developing inner conscience firmly grounded ethics&morals
Examples : Respect towards elders / Interdependence between Adult & Child
Two Theories Different: Elliot Turiel’s Moral Domain Theory And Albert Bandura’s Theory Of Social Learning differ greatly starting fundamental basis underpinningsFor instance Elliot turiels considers existence two distinct domains morals vs non morals suggesting inherent ability distinguish difference whereas Bandura believes learning acquired through environment & observational imitation Therefore whereas former establishes foundation within person themselves latter relies heavily circumstantial situation Another difference pertains actual application models proposed While Elliot advocates analyzing consequences prior making decisions banduras emphasizes role model emulated support desired outcome         Examples : Distinguishing Morality Vs NonMorality / Role Model Emulation

The biblical worldview aligns very strongly with Jean Piaget’s theory since it posits that every action has its own set of consequences regardless if those actions were done intentionally or unintentionally. Scripture supports this idea most notably found throughout Proverbs 16:11(ESV), “A just balance and scales are the Lord’s”. Further connections come from passages like Matthew 5:7(ESV), “Blessed are the merciful” which speaks directly about being compassionate towards one another unlike other frameworks providing alternative mechanisms solely reliant upon external influences such as punishments instead .In essence scriptures suggest godly righteousness predicated off inner spiritual convictions founded faith rather than working backwards employing punitive measures meant modify behaviour

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