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Social Media and Its Effects on Individuals and Social Systems

The purpose of this presentation is to explore the effects of social media on individuals and social systems. We will examine the influence that using various forms of media, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, have had on different aspects of modern life. We shall look at how it has changed relationships between people, how marketers use it to their advantage as well as its impact on societies around the world. Additionally we will also consider recent developments in this field and identify potential risks associated with increased usage.

Slide 1: Overview
What is Social Media?
Social media can be defined as digital technologies which allow users to create content and interact with each other online through multimedia platforms such as Facebook or Twitter (Kaplan & Haenlein). It has rapidly become an integral part of everyday life for many people around the globe – especially among younger generations – due to its accessibility and convenience (Duggan et al., 2015).

Slide 2: Usage Statistics
Recent surveys showed that over 80 percent of populations aged 16-24 are actively using social networks daily (Pew Internet Research Center), while a quarter access them several times per day (Kumar & Stanculescu). This suggests that social media has become deeply imbedded into our lives with far reaching implications for society at large. Moreover usage rates differ significantly across genders – with women overwhelmingly more involved in certain platforms than men (Duggan et al., 2015).

Slide 3: Impact On Relationships
A number of studies have explored ways in which constant engagement with electronic devices affects interpersonal dynamics within families or romantic partnerships (Nakamura & Cotten). The results show that addiction-like behaviors are becoming increasingly common among those who rely heavily upon digital communication to keep up with friends or family members resulting in poorer family functioning (Kramer et al.). However there is still disagreement over whether these negative impacts outweigh positive effects such as increased contact opportunities offered by modern technology.

Slide 4: Digital Marketing Strategies
Companies have been quick to realize potential benefits offered by reach provided by popular digital websites like YouTube or Instagram where billions watch videos or check out posts every month respectively(Shahzad et al., 2016; Correa et al., 2010)). Through cleverly designed campaigns businesses can target specific demographics based on their interests providing valuable customer insights without having invest large sums into traditional market research methods .

Slide 5: Cultural Shift Towards Visual Storytelling
In line with emergence of newer platforms geared towards visual content creation – including apps like TikTok – there appears to be trend toward favoring visuals rather than words when sharing information online(Liu& Fuchs , 2018) . This shift from text-based exchange towards visual storytelling has consequences both for individual’s self-expression but could potentially shape broader cultural values within society overall too(Hemphill& Jacoby 2017 ).

Slide 6 : Risks Associated With Excessive Use The proliferationof ‘influencer culture’ alongwith increasing competitionfor likesand attentionhas led some experts toworry aboutoveruse leadingtomore seriouspsychological problemssuchas depressionanxiety ordysfunctional behaviorin extreme cases(Turel& Qahri-Saremi ,2018 ) . Establishing clearboundariesis essentialfor avoidingunintendedconsequences linkedto extendedusedigital tools .

Conclusion  It is evident from this analysis that there are profound effects associated with increased utilization of social networking sites across different domains ranging from marketing strategies utilized by corporations all way down individual health outcomes associated excessive use . Although further research is required better understand general trendsit important rememberthat online activitymust taken responsiblyavoid anypotential harmbeing causedlarger communitiesor individual usersalike .

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