1- Discuss whether Katharina has been truly tamed at the end of the play since she is the shrew that Petruchio tries all of his taming tactics on. (It is also important to refer to the historical context of the play and the concept of shrewish behaviors in the Elizabethan times).
2- Discuss the gender roles in this play and how Katharina, as a shrew, has challenged her “expected” roles in her society. (Make sure you refer to the context of the play in the Elizabethan society)
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice
3- Discuss the importance of identity in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice and its impacts on the relationships between the characters. How is one’s view of the others affects their behaviors (focus on Shylock, his daughter Jessica, and how the other characters view them. Again, refer to the context of the play: Elizabethan society and also Venice as a setting).
4- What role does money (wealth) play in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice ? (This question may be answered by examining how the major characters deal with money, which reveals their attitudes towards themselves and others in their society. There are many examples to refer to such as Antonio’s situation, Shylock’s money lending business, Portia and the casket test….).
Shakespeare’s As You Like It
5- What lessons can be learned from Shakespeare’ s comedy As You Like It? (You may discuss important concepts such as deception and reality, appearance and reality through the contrast between civilization and nature/forest, power and peace, gender roles…. )
Shakespeare’s The Tempest
6- Shakespeare’s The Tempest is about the contrast between freedom and slavery/entrapment and betrayal and forgiveness. Discuss by referring to the context of the play and Shakespeare’s time.
Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar
7- Discuss how Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar is about power, manipulation, betrayal, and ulterior motives . Refer to the context of the play and the Elizabethan view in contrast to the Roman view.
8- Discuss the roles of t he female characters, Portia and Calphurnia , in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, which includes mostly male characters . Are the female characters portrayed positively, negatively, stereotypically…? Again, refer to the context of the play and Shakespeare’s time and society and the contrast between the Elizabethan and Roman civilization.
Shakespeare’s Macbeth
9- Discuss how Shakespeare’s Macbeth is a tragedy about ambition, betrayal, and retribution. Refer to the historical context of the play and the impact of the setting on the characters.