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The Service Contract Labor Standards statute, also known as the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act (SCA), is a federal law that governs service contracts with the U.S. government and applies to both contractors and subcontractors. It requires contractors to pay their employees minimum wages, benefits, working conditions, overtime pay, and other labor rights; it also requires bidders on contracts to demonstrate their ability to comply with the requirements of this act by submitting an SCA wage determination for each job classification in their bids for service contracts over $2,500. The Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor administers this law.

When an alleged violation concerning the minimum prevailing wage is received in the contracting office, the Contracting Officer must immediately investigate any complaints or evidence suggesting noncompliance with SCA regulations. This means obtaining sufficient documentation from both parties regarding all relevant facts related to wages paid and hours worked by affected employees during contract performance periods covered under investigation. If violations are found then corrective action including back payments due may be required before further work can proceed on a contract or subcontracting arrangement with that contractor or subcontractor until corrective action has been taken in accordance with responsible agency policy guidance/ instructions as applicable statutes require such corrective actions/payments be addressed prior to award and continuation of any contractual relationships going forward between Federal agencies/contractors/subcontractors etc.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 established a federal minimum wage requirement that applies nationwide throughout all business activities engaged in commerce between States or foreign nations within US Jurisdiction. These provisions are incorporated into SCA when preparing bid proposals since contractors must adhere to these laws when entering into agreements or forming services arrangements with US Government entities – which include paying workers at least Minimum Prevailing Wages (MPW) regardless what rates were agreed upon prior during negotiations On Any Such Contracts – even if they may have negotiated lower rates than otherwise set by MPWs – those same rates should still be paid throughout contract performance periods unless new negotiates have been entered afterwards resulting different renegotiated rate schedules etc..

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