Subject | Administration | Pages | 3 | Style | APA |
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Write one page (250 words) to description the stakeholders in the education administration issue.
Administration Issue
Effective organizational administration calls for the engagement of key stakeholders, which is a fundamental requirement for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). According to Wango (2009), stakeholder engagement takes into consideration the involvement of individual, who may be impacted by organizational decisions or can influence the process of implementing decisions within the organization. Wango (2009) adds that the process of stakeholder engagement should be done based on the level of influence that each stakeholder has on the organization. In the context of education administration, the stakeholders involved are state and local government, school administrators, students, student alumni, parents, teacher, teacher managers, principal, and independent manager. Each of these stakeholders possesses a unique role. State and local governments are in charge of financing the school and enacting effective policy, while administrators are responsible for the implementation of effective educational policies and provision of assistance to teachers in their attempt to educate students in a better way (Wango, 2009). Students focus on learning valuable skills and acquiring knowledge that can be employed in executing administrative roles and managing business. Student alumni act as role models to the existing students and may even conduct administrative duties in their former schools by creating more effective and new educational policies. Parents are in responsible for the provision of moral, spiritual, and financial support for the learners. Teachers educate learners by providing them with the relevant knowledge and skills, which can be employed in business and other life issues(Wango, 2009). Teacher managers act as frontline educators and are in charge of constant contact with learners, which enables them to comprehending the students’ learning needs is a better way. They offer professional expertise for student learning improvement. The principal is in charge of daily management of school. Independent managers are in charge of monitoring the school to enhance the accountability and transparency of the school.