You will consider the role that rivers played in the evolution of complex state-organized societies by considering these questions:
• What benefits did these rivers offer that made it possible for these societies to evolve?
• Could these societies have evolved without access to these rivers?
• There are other rivers aside from the major rivers named above. Why didn’t civilizations develop there?
• What is it that these other rivers have in common?
You will explore what makes these rivers so important for the civilizations that developed on their banks, explaining the advantages these rivers have for society settlement and evolution. Specifically,
1. You will write a short paper on the reasons why you think these rivers were essential for the development of these civilizations. Look at the big picture and don’t just focus on one benefit of living near a major river.
2. To start with, look at what these rivers have in common. What did these cultures do that made these rivers essential? You must go beyond the obvious benefits of living along these rivers to get good marks.
3. Your discussion should provide clear arguments to support your opinion or ideas. You should do some research. Make sure you cite your sources.