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Reparations and racial reconciliation are essential steps toward rectifying the negative legacy of slavery and racism in the United States. Reparations offer an opportunity for African Americans to regain some of what was taken from them through centuries of oppression, discrimination, and injustice. With reparations comes a recognition that an apology is not enough to undo the wrongs of the past, but rather reparations must be made to those impacted for the harm done. Racial reconciliation then takes this further by providing an avenue for dialogue between communities in order to foster understanding and move forward together toward a more equitable society.

Creating laws which outlaw racism would be one way in which these goals could be achieved as it has been done successfully before with South Africa’s post-apartheid legislation. This might be challenging here in America due to our strong emphasis on freedom of speech and expression however, certain actions such as hate speech or inciting violence against another group should not be tolerated nor protected under this framework. Additionally, removal of all Confederate monuments and White Supremacist structures from public spaces throughout the country would send a powerful signal that we are no longer willing to honor or accept any vestiges from our painful history but instead will strive towards justice and equality for all people going forward.

These measures may appear daunting at first glance given how deeply entrenched systemic racism is within our society; however they can only help us create positive change if we take them seriously and make concerted efforts to implement them into policy decisions nationwide. Most importantly, reparations are necessary so that African Americans can achieve economic parity which will enable them greater access to resources so often denied due their skin color while racial reconciliation offers hope that together we can heal old wounds caused by prejudice and stereotyping allowing us all find common ground where everyone is respected equally regardless of race or ethnicity.

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